
发表时间:2020/4/7   来源:《中国教师》2020年5月2期   作者:陈玉芬

陈玉芬    当阳职教中心  湖北  宜昌  444105
中图分类号:G688.2   文献标识码:A   文章编号:ISSN1672-2051 (2020)02-153-02

        Part1  认识宾语从句 (to see what it looks like)
        连接词=①that②if/whether ③what/which/who…
        ①I think that our school is wonderful.
        ②Please tell him that our school is wonderful.
        ③Can you tell me if you will be free tomorrow?
        ④Please tell him what your WeChat number is.
        ⑤Can you tell me what your WeChat number is?
        ①He loves music.(词作宾语)
        ②He loves listening to music.(词组作宾语)
        ③I know that he loves listening to music. (句子作宾语)
        Part 2 理解宾语从句(to remember what is made up of)
        3,三大要素:连接词、语序和时态3,三类连接词:that if/whether 、wh-1 , 一种语序:陈述语序。3,三种时态呼应关系。
        ① that无词义,可省略,从句句意完整。He said(that)the movie was amazing
        ② if/whether 是否,常可互换,也有区别He asked me if/whether I wanted to find a part-time job.
        ③ what /which/ who…  各有词义,选择依句意you can choose whatever you like.
        只能用 whether不能用if,有以下3种情况
        ①不定式前(whether+to do):I don’t know whether to invite him.
        We’re thinking about whether we order takeouts tonight.
        ③与 or not连用(whether.. or not): Tell me whether it is hot or not in Wuhan in summer.
        归纳总结:连词选择靠句意,句意若是很完整,that上前莫质疑。若是表“是否”意,if/whether 要相比,虽说二者常可换,介词后,to do 前,还有or not来相连,只用whether不犹豫。
        即时巩固:用that,if,whether,where,when, what 填空
        1. I think _______you are good vocational students.
        2. Can you tell me ________you were born,Sara?
        3. I can't understand ________ he has told me.
        4. I don't  know______ they have passed the exam.
        5. I want to know ______ you will come to see me or not tomorrow.
        1. Do you still remember_______?
        A.  that he said  B. what he said C. did he said that D. what did he say
        2. She asked them when ________visited Wuhan the next time
        A. will you    B. would they  C. you will  D. they would
        3. I don’t feel very well. Mum asked me _______  this morning.
        A. which the matter was    B.  which was the matter
        C. what was the matter      D. what the matter was

        ①主句:一般现在时态  从句:所需的任何时态 Do you know when our school was built?                                                 ②主句:一般过去时态  从句:过去的某种时态Her daughter said that she would travel
        to the U.S this winter holiday.
        ③主句:所需的任何时态 从句:表真理和客观事实,只用一般现在时态
        The teacher said that light travels faster than sound
        1. Mary, can you tell me if your mother _______ our school sports
        meeting tomorrow?
        A. take part in  B. takes part in C. will take part in   D. took part in
        2. Mrs. Smith doesn’t know where her pet dog_____ last night.
        A . goes      B. go       C. went        D. gone
        3. The policeman asked when the accident_________
        A . happens     B. happen     C. is happening     D. happened
        4. My geography teacher told us___________.
        A. the earth moved around the sun  B. the earth moves around the sun
        C. the sun moved around the earth  D. the sun moves around the earth
        Part 3  实战宾语从句 ( to check what we have learned)
        (   )1. When did you start to feel this pain?
        (   )2.He asked me when I got to school.
        (   )3."What do you eat every day? "the doctor asked.
        (   )4. The doctor asked what I ate every day.
        (   )5. I don't know why I had a headache.
        (   )1. He told me ____ he was just a worker.
        A. if    B.  whether    C. that      D. when
        (   )2. We’ll plant trees tomorrow and I dotn’t know_____ Tom will come and join us or not.
        A. which        B. if       C. what     D. whether
        (   )3. The policeman asked the little boy_______.
        A. where did he live      B. where he lived
        C. where he lives       D. where does he live
        (   )4.The girls asked if they_______ some food and drink with them.
        A. took       B. take      C. takes      D. will take
        (   )5.I don't know when Mr. Green ______ to see us next week.
        A. comes    B. came     C. will come      D. has come 第三关:真题回顾。
        (   )2015. I’d like to know_____ you offer some courses on career
        education for adults.
        A. that       B. whether        C. what        D. which
        (   )2016. From our physics teacher, we have learned that light _____
        faster than sound.
        A. travel     B. travels      C. is travelling     D. travelled
        (   )2018. It’s noisy outside. Let’s go and see ______ is happening.
        A. what        B. which         C. that    D. who
        (   )2019. Can you tell me_____ wrote this novel?
        A. who  B. when    C. where    D. which

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