Global Attractor for a Class of Generalized Nonlinear nonlocal Higher-Order Kirchhoff Type Equations
LU Jingxin
(1Department of Information, Tourism and Culture College of Yunnan University,Lijiang,Yunnan 674199
2School of Mathematics and Statistics,Yunnan University,kunming 650500,yunnan,China)
Abstract:In this paper, we mainly discuss the global attractor of higher order Kirchhoff equation. For lower order Kirchhoff equation, the global attractor has been studied considerably. In this paper, the global attractors of a class of generalized nonlinear higher-order Kirchhoff equation are studied on the basis of the study of lower-order Kirchhoff equation. Firstly, under the reasonable assumption of the non-linear term in the higher-order Kirchhoff equation, the global solution and the absorbing set of the equation are obtained. Then, the global attractor of the higher-order Kirchhoff equation is obtained by the determination theorem of the global attractor (asymptotic compactness).
Key words:Higher-Order Kirchhoff equations;global solutions;absorbing set;global attractors
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