Research on the training model of data analysis ability of economic management discipline

发表时间:2020/7/3   来源:《科学与技术》2020年2月第5期   作者:LIN PAN PAN
[导读] With the advent of the network information age, relying on data repository,

         With the advent of the network information age, relying on data repository, a new data analysis and processing method for guiding artificial intelligence scientific decision-making,it has gradually evolved into the goal of all kinds of management enterprises, the undergraduates who are about to graduate will be regarded as the human resources in the field of economic management,the process of its training mode can be summarized as the teaching of basic courses of economic management,for data analysis related topics of mathematical knowledge call,Adaptation and selection of management plan.the role of students in this process is to make statistical analysis of a series of related data,the self-development law of the designated research object is extracted,So as to measure the trend of economic development,Or choose the efficient operation and management scheme from the micro level.
          At present, all industries are in urgent need of talents with data analysis ability and calculation ability, therefore, it is of great significance to cultivate the ability of data analysis of students majoring in economic management.
         The development of economic management discipline has not only stayed at the level of theoretical knowledge, but also needs to broaden the channels of theoretical knowledge and practical application, deeply study the application methods, introduce many new observation means such as data analysis, model the coordination and collocation between various disciplines.
         The rise of computer technology has created a new way for the development of economic management discipline. With the help of computer software, we can get rid of the limitations of traditional theoretical research, and make the in-depth analysis of data closely linked with the direction of economic development. After people use the correct research methods to deal with data, the countermeasures to solve the corresponding problems can be obtained.
         Under the three constraints of school, teachers and local talent demand, It is mainly divided into the following three categories.
         First, the comprehensive university "wide caliber, thick foundation" training mode.
         The second is the training mode of "practical skills" in Colleges and universities of science and technology.
         The third is the "professional core" training mode of Financial Colleges and universities.
         The implementation path is embodied in the following three aspects.
         (1) Through the acquisition, collation and transformation of big data, we can cultivate the science and engineering literacy of students of economics and management.
         (2) Based on the chart making software, the application ability of big data technology of economics and management students is cultivated.
         (3) Under the background of big data era, it is necessary to innovate from the school and system level to promote the relevant system reform. According to the goal and mode of personnel training, we should formulate detailed rules for the construction, organization and implementation of teaching integration, build academic teams, integrate and share teacher resources, realize interdisciplinary teaching of teachers in different departments of different colleges, and focus on the training mechanism and reward mechanism for promoting interdisciplinary integration of teachers. 
    preparation of training resources :   
         Teacher resources: teaching material knowledge reserve, reasonable curriculum, employment of education personnel. 
         Student resources: the economic management discipline conducts the specific classification of data analysts and teaches students according to their aptitude. As the training object, students should lay a theoretical foundation for the training of management data analysis knowledge, and finally take the training of management professional data analysis ability as the goal, so as to internalize the data analysis ability into students' philosophy and quality.
         Employment resources: talent training base, docking with the post demand of big data industry, and testing the training effect. After building the knowledge and  ability  objectives of data analysis ability training for research students, we should establish the corresponding quality evaluation model to analyze the level and progressive relationship of different knowledge points. For the same knowledge point, the mastery degree of the same  stage should be: carry out standard division and different experimental evaluation to test different application levels and innovation  breakthroughs of the same knowledge point. we should evaluate and analyze from multiple dimensions such as thinking ability, application ability and comprehensive application.
         To plan for the construction of integrated teachers, in order to make full use of teachers' resources, we should adjust the structure of education subject, pay more attention to the further deepening of the reform of teachers' evaluation system, and comprehensively evaluate teachers from different perspectives such as behavior style, scientific research ability, education level and management experience, so as to form a growth incentive mechanism.
          Set up the evaluation basis of comprehensive test to break the singleness of curriculum organization and evaluation:
         It needs to be divided into three levels: technical learning, statistical theory and expression ability, teachers should not only consider the mastery of students' classroom teaching knowledge, but also combine the participation of students Degree, the completion of case analysis, strengthen the participation awareness and practical ability of guiding students, and support students' innovative application practice of data analysis.
         Specific scheme implementation:
         1. Familiar with database deployment and design
         (1) How to deploy database 
         Demand analysis. Find out what data need to be stored in the design data analysis library and the data characteristics that the project can involve, such as the timeliness and life cycle of data.
         2. Establishing the knowledge research system of mathematics and statistics
          mainly according to the experimental teaching and case teaching designed by the teacher, mobilize the enthusiasm and interest of students to participate in data analysis, gradually cultivate the sensitivity of students to the number, make the theory connect with practice, use mathematical methods (mathematical model or calculation formula), statistical calculation to get the characteristic value and other calculation results of expressing matter.
         The description of data must be combined with the actual problem background. The statistical method of discrete mathematics is used to deal with the linear proportion relationship between data fluctuations. According to the types of data, data charts are drawn.
3. Establishing scientific logical thinking
         (1) Search for the basic statistics and define the applicable conditions of the statistics.
         (2) Organize and arrange information for information processing.
         (3) It summarizes the appropriate logical framework and establishes the multiple analysis mechanism.
         We all have a typical practical feature that the data source is inseparable from the human centered behavioral data set. The trajectory of users' activities in society, including transactions, consumption, social interaction, will be captured by intelligent data collection devices, forming a huge and perfect big data ecological environment chain.
         To cultivate the ability of data analysis in economic management, it is conducive to the  development of data analysis  related fields, for speeding up the  optimization and update of data processing software, the establishment of a new mathematical model,Has an important role in promoting.
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