How to govern the“scattered、messy、pollutional ”enterprises

发表时间:2020/7/6   来源:《新纪实》2019年第11期   作者:鲁翰霖1 周琳2(通讯作者)
[导读] The report to the 19th national congress of the communist party of China pointed out that we must resolutely fight the battle against pollution. Sichuan province has deployed eight major battles again

        1.四川省人大常委会办公厅  四川 成都  610000
        2.四川旅游学院  四川 成都  610000
        【Abstract】The report to the 19th national congress of the communist party of China pointed out that we must resolutely fight the battle against pollution. Sichuan province has deployed eight major battles against pollution prevention and control, focusing on prominent environmental problems surrounding the people. Based on the enterprise renovation of “scattered、messy、pollutional”, this paper puts forward countermeasures and Suggestions based on the basic situation and existing problems of sichuan province. Hope to promote the world's pollution prevention and control work has a positive reference.
        【Key words】“Scattered、messy、pollutional” enterprises;Main problems;Countermeasures and Suggestions
        The 19th national congress of the communist party of China made it clear that the fight against pollution was one of the three major battles. Sichuan province has put forward "eight battles" in the battle against pollution in light of the actual situation in the province. The main target of the "eight battles" is "Scattered、messy、pollutional" enterprises. In May 2018, general secretary xi jinping pointed out at the national conference on ecological and environmental protection that "we will promote the management of 'Scattered、messy、pollutional' enterprises throughout the country, resolutely shut down and ban a number of them, rectify and upgrade a number of them, and relocate a number of them to parks". Through field research, this paper on how to fight the "Scattered、messy、pollutional" enterprise renovation battle, formed the following analysis.
        1.The harm of "Scattered、messy、pollutional" enterprises
        "Scattered、messy、pollutional" enterprises are mostly family workshop enterprises or individual businesses. They are scattered and hidden, mainly in urban and rural areas and rural areas. They are simple to produce, without any environmental protection facilities, the emission of pollutants is not up to standard. Although "Scattered、messy、pollutional" enterprises have objectively solved the employment problem of some people, their harm to economic and social development cannot be ignored. First, from the perspective of environmental pollution, most enterprises emit pollutants directly into the atmosphere or into rivers. In order to evade the supervision of the regulatory authorities, they produce at night, steal discharge steal release, even if be punished, also easy to rebound. Second, from the perspective of economic development, "Scattered、messy、pollutional" enterprises because of no or little input in environmental protection, production costs are lower than regular enterprises, in the market competition to sell products at a low price to win living space. This kind of unfair competition leads to the bad currency driving out the good currency, disturbs the order of market economy, and is not conducive to industrial transformation and upgrading. Third, from the influence of the masses, "Scattered、messy、pollutional" enterprises gain their own interests at the expense of the interests of the majority of the people. The dirty and messy environment makes people miserable and has become a hot issue of environmental complaints.
        2.Major problems
        First, the working mechanism needs to be improved. "Scattered、messy、pollutional" enterprises cover a wide range of areas, the rectification involved in the conflict of interest and complex contradictions, the maintenance of social stability pressure. All localities should attach great importance to the rectification of "Scattered、messy、pollutional" enterprises, and establish and improve corresponding working mechanisms in accordance with local conditions to ensure smooth and orderly progress. Second, there are differences between different regions. Chengdu city economic development level is higher, relatively strong financial strength, comprehensive governance "Scattered、messy、pollutional" enterprise, there are policies and measures to support. But for other places, the level of economic development and local financial resources and chengdu city have a large gap, to promote the "messy" enterprises face more difficulties. Third, the policy of guidance and support is insufficient. The renovation measures for "Scattered、messy、pollutional" enterprises are mainly "two breaks and three clearances" (water cut, power cut; raw materials, equipment and site cleaning). In terms of legal and policy means, it is relatively easy to carry out "two breaks", but it is difficult to carry out "three clearances" due to debt, personnel salary and other problems. In addition, some involve the demolition of illegal buildings, others involve the disposal of hazardous waste, the resettlement of the unemployed and other complex issues, which need to be supported in the overall policy.
        3.Countermeasures and Suggestions
        First, we should accurately grasp the guiding ideology. All localities should adhere to the principle of "resolutely shutting down and banning a number of enterprises, rectifying and upgrading a number of enterprises, and relocating a number of enterprises to parks", and make sure that the focus of the rectification of "scattered and polluted areas" is "pollution" rather than "small". The relationship between small and micro businesses and people's livelihood is an important force for expanding employment and increasing income. We should support development as long as our pollution discharge reaches the standard. We should avoid simplistic treatment, we should strive to treat "pollution", forcing industrial transformation and upgrading. Second, we will strengthen the mechanism for promoting work. Governments at the municipal and county levels are the main body of the rectification work of "Scattered、messy、pollutional" enterprises. In accordance with the principle of "territorial management, responsibility at different levels, seamless connection and comprehensive coverage", the government should establish and improve the rectification work mechanism of "scattered and polluted" enterprises and implement the responsibilities at different levels. Third, measures should be taken according to local conditions. Local governments should, according to local actual conditions, take measures to address both the symptoms and root causes of "Scattered、messy、pollutional" enterprises, so as to ban the firm, the relocation of the place, the rectification of the standards. The government should actively explore such issues as "where does the money come from", "where are the people going" and "where is the way out". The government should adopt the mode of market operation to break the capital bottleneck, and at the same time do a good job in personnel diversion and resettlement to ensure social stability. Fourth, we will increase policy support. The responsible departments of the government should formulate and introduce targeted guidance and support policies to support enterprises that meet the requirements for admission to industrial parks to concentrate in industrial parks (industrial agglomeration zones), so as to realize transformation, upgrading and development. At the same time, the government will provide greater support to local governments in areas such as employment and entrepreneurship, social security, and skills training to ensure people's wellbeing. Fifth, we paid more attention to publicity and guidance. Local governments should strengthen information disclosure, policy interpretation and public opinion response. Through the media, we will publicize and report on the harm, measures and achievements of "Scattered、messy、pollutional" enterprises, and expose typical cases of investigating and dealing with enterprises that violate laws and regulations. We need to make the public aware of the nature of "Scattered、messy、pollutional"  enterprises' illegal operations and pollution of the environment, so as to win the understanding and support of the people and form a social consensus.

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