The exploration and price comparison of poverty alleviation in Sichuan

发表时间:2020/7/6   来源:《新纪实》2019年第11期   作者:周琳
[导读] Sichuan province is one of the six provinces with the highest poverty reduction task in China. Since the 18th national congress of the communist party of China,sichuan has fully implemented the centra

        四川旅游学院  四川 成都  610100
        【Abstract】Sichuan province is one of the six provinces with the highest poverty reduction task in China. Since the 18th national congress of the communist party of China,sichuan has fully implemented the central government's policy on poverty alleviation and development, and made every effort to promote targeted poverty alleviation and alleviation. According to the actual situation, various typical poverty alleviation models have been formed. This paper compares and analyzes the typical patterns of two districts and counties with different poverty levels, finds some experience, and forms countermeasures and Suggestions, hoping to have positive reference significance for promoting poverty alleviation of all countries in the world.
        【Keywords】Industry for poverty alleviation;Poverty alleviation model;Comparative study
        The 19th national congress of the communist party of China issued a mobilization order to the whole party and the whole country for a decisive victory in building a moderately prosperous society in all respects. As for sichuan province, the key to completing the building of a moderately prosperous society in all respects lies in whether the targeted poverty alleviation work in rural areas is accurate and complete. Industrial poverty alleviation is an important part of the strategy of carrying out targeted poverty alleviation, and it is also the fundamental way to achieve the goal of poverty alleviation. Based on the basic situation of industrial poverty alleviation, Beichuan county of National poverty、Quxian county of provincial poverty was selected to carry out the research and the following analysis was made.
        1.Analysis on four poverty alleviation models of grassroots industries
        (1)The eco-cycle agriculture poverty alleviation model in Beichuan county. Beichuan county will be transferred poverty relief funds to the poor village collective funds. Poor villages invest capital to build infrastructure for poverty alleviation enterprises and use it as shares to gain profits from the enterprises. Poverty alleviation enterprises distribute free chicken seedlings to poor households and promote the employment and income of poor households by recycling eggs. Some poverty alleviation companies have built organic fertilizer production workshops, turning waste into treasure through organic fertilizer processing, and converting all chicken manure from farms into organic fertilizer, forming an ecological agricultural circular economy industry of "green layer breeding + organic fertilizer processing + fruit and vegetable planting + agriculture linked to supermarkets".
        (2)The model of poverty alleviation workshop in Quxian county. Poverty alleviation enterprises, which focus on labor processing, build waste schools, factories and other facilities in towns and villages into poverty alleviation processing workshops. The village committee organizes left-behind women and old people in poor villages to work in workshops to increase their incomes. Poor villages rent factories to obtain collective economic income, and invest the income funds into the infrastructure construction of villages, while poverty alleviation enterprises save costs with relatively favorable labor costs and tax exemptions. This approach has achieved a stable three-way win-win situation.
        2.Effective empirical practices of various models
        First, we must adapt measures to local conditions. The industrial development environment in poor areas is generally poor, and it is relatively difficult to cultivate industries. Therefore, it is necessary to carefully demonstrate and select industrial projects, and make efforts to adapt measures to local conditions. Second, we will highlight the overlapping benefits of poverty alleviation. Most of the anti-poverty projects are targeted at both poor and non-poor households. Both parties can participate in the projects through land investment, land transfer, participation in migrant work and other means, and get dividends from investment, transfer income and labor income, mainly in order to gain more preferential policies for poor households. Third, we need to rely on large enterprises and groups. Large enterprise groups, with standardized operation and management, strong market adaptability and stable product demand, are the important dependence of poverty alleviation in production and marketing. Fourth, we will strengthen professional and technical guidance. The development of poverty alleviation industries in poor areas, whether primary, secondary or tertiary, is inseparable from professional technical guidance. It is found in the investigation that many developed poverty alleviation industries have strong technical support. Fifth, we should give full play to the role of e-commerce. E-commerce reduces the spatial distance between featured products in poor areas and consumers in the market, and solves the problem that "people who live in a bosom friend do not know". Sixth, we should make good use of local talents. The key to the survival and development of rural industries in the face of fierce competition is to give play to the supporting role of talents. In particular, we should pay attention to guiding a group of talents who have developed well in other areas to return home and take the lead in carrying out industrial poverty alleviation.
        3.Suggestions on promoting poverty alleviation by industry
        First, at the provincial level, we need to build a platform to guide the development of agricultural industry in the whole province. Introduce a third party to build the platform, and assume the functions of summarizing local industry planning, market analysis, policy guidance, brand promotion and construction of agricultural product quality traceability system. Second, we will vigorously improve the foundation of agricultural development. We will increase investment in infrastructure construction for industrial development in contiguous poor areas, make them more market-oriented in all respects, and make them more attractive and attractive to key leading enterprises and outstanding talents. Third, we will strengthen support for new types of agricultural business entities. We will increase support for new types of agricultural business entities, increase their capacity for development, and promote production and employment among the poor. Fourth, we will improve the sales system for anti-poverty products. We will explore ways to carry out certification of agricultural products with special features in poor areas, register the use of public welfare collective trademarks for poverty-relief products, and promote agricultural products in supermarkets, schools and enterprises in major cities through e-commerce marketing and business promotion. Fifth, we will improve the policy mechanism for reducing poverty in industries. We will establish policies for providing incentives and subsidies for sales of poverty alleviation e-commerce, rent subsidies for special agricultural products sales zones (counters) in poor areas, and subsidies for transportation and logistics, and implement policies for providing subsidies to sales information staff for special agricultural products in poor areas. Sixth, we should actively explore the establishment of an organization that can stimulate the enthusiasm of local talents. Through this organization, we should speed up the construction of rural talent team, especially in the labor export county to establish the information base of rural talents, to guide rural talents to participate in rural governance and industrial development. 
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