1. 深入研读语篇,挖掘文学价值。外研版高中英语教材中包含不少的文学作品,但是缺乏系统性与深度。因此,教师要充分挖掘教材,解读其文学内涵,并指导学生赏析语篇,体验作者情感,提升文学素养。
2. 创设有意义的语境,体会文学魅力。文学素养的培养不仅需要知识的积累,更重要的是创设有意义的语境,让学生在各种教学活动中体会到文学的魅力,并激发自身对文学的热爱。教师设计的各种活动要能够加深学生对教材内容的理解,丰富学生的文化体验,并在提升学生语言能力的同时促进其文学素养的发展。
3. 充分利用各种资源,丰富文学体验。文学素养的培养不是一蹴而就的。课堂教学时间有限,而丰富的课外活动能够让学生大量接触文学作品,从而促进文学素养的提升。教师要充分利用各种资源开展将语言学习与文学体验融为一体的校园文化实践活动,如课外阅读、表演、采访、演讲等,让学生在准备和参与的过程中体验丰富的文化现象,从而间接培养学生的文学素养。
1. 教材分析
本课的内容为外研版高中英语选修六Module 2的Reading and Vocabulary部分,其阅读材料是来自Philip Pullman的幻想类小说His Dark Materials的节选段The Cat That Vanished。该节选段讲述了男孩Will偶遇了一只猫,在猫的引导下找到了一个通向另一个世界的洞,并通过这个洞到达新世界后决定不再返回的故事。故事题材想象力丰富,对学生有极大的吸引力。语言描写生动形象,但部分词汇对学生而言偏难。故事情节环环相扣,逻辑性强。总之,这是一篇适合高中英语学习的语言材料。
2. 学情分析
3. 教学目标
Step 1: Lead-in
Show students some movie posters and ask two questions.
Q1: Which movies do they come from?
Q2: Do these movies have something in common?
Step 2: Fast Reading
Read the story fast and divided it into 3 parts, then match each part with its corresponding main idea.
Part 1 (Para ____--____) a. Will entered a new world and decided not to return.
Part 2 (Para ____--____) b. Will found a hole and climbed through it.
Part 3 (Para ____--____) c. Will met a cat and it vanished.
(Keys: Part 1: Para 1-6, c; Part 2: Para 7-11, b; Part 3: Para 12-14, a)
Step 3: Careful Reading
[1] Read Part 1 carefully and fill in the blanks with verbs or phrases used to describe the cat in this part.
The cat __________ out of a garden and __________ to __________ her head against Will’s knuckles. Eventually, the cat __________, __________ across the road and towards the bushes. She __________, __________ a paw to __________ something, then __________ backwards, back __________ and fur __________, tail __________ stiffly. After another few seconds of __________, __________, __________, curiosity overcame wariness. The cat __________ forward, and __________.
(Keys: padded, came up, rub, turned away, padded, stopped, reached out, pat, leapt, arched, on end, held out, sniffing, touching, whisker-twitching, stepped, vanished.)
[2] Read Part 2 carefully and find out some detailed information of the hole, then fill the form with it.
detailed information of the hole
appearance a __________ cut out of the air
location __________ from the road edge
shape roughly __________
size __________ across
(Keys: patch, two meters, square, less than a meter)
How to see the hole: (match different angles with corresponding results)
level with the patch (edge-on) a. visible(not easy to see)
from behind b. nearly invisible
from the side nearest road c. completely invisible
(Keys: -b, -c, -a)
[3] Read Part 3 carefully and think about the questions below.
What were the new world like?
(Keys: descriptions in Para 12-13)
Why did Will decide not to return to his original world?
(Keys: Whatever the new world was, it had to be better than what he’d just left.)
Why did Will “turn away with a shudder”? (Para 14)
(Keys: Although he had decided not to return to his original world, it was still difficult to make such a decision, and he must be nervous about the unknown future, so “a shudder” vividly conveys his complex emotion.)
Step 4: Language Appreciation
Appreciate the use of underlined verbs, and discuss why the author use the underlined words instead of the words mentioned behind?
(title) The Cat That Vanished. (why not use “disappear”?)
(Keys:“vanish” means “to disappear suddenly”)
(Para 2) She padded out of a garden... (why not use “walk”?)
(Keys:“Pad” means “to walk with quiet steps”)
(Para 4) Then she leapt backwards... (why not use “jump”?)
(Keys:“Leap” means “to jump high or a long way”)
(Para 5) After another few seconds of sniffing... (why not use “smell”?)
(Keys:“Sniff” means “to breath air in through the nose in order to discover or enjoy the smell of sth.”)
(Para 11) ...and his heart thump harder... (why not use “beat”?)
(Keys:“thump” means “to beat strongly”)
Step 5: Consolidation
Try to write a short paragraph to describe one of them: the happy time spending with lovely pets. the environment of your schoolyard in a specific season. While describing them, please try to use proper words and make the language accurate and vivid.
Step 6: Homework
As we can see, the story is unfinished. What will happen in the new world? What challenges will Will be faced with? Please continue writing this story drawing upon you own imagination.
[1]教育部. 普通高中英语课程标准(2017版)[M]. 北京:人民教育出版社,2017。
[2]李晗英. 基于核心素养的高中英语教学中的文化意识培养[J]. 海外英语,2017(10): 20-21。
[3]武和平. 因文而雅,由文而化——学科核心素养视角下的文化教学[J]. 英语学习(教师版),2017(6): 7-8。
[4]吴慧. 高中英语阅读教学中培养学生文化意识的课例探究——以《人教版高中英语》Module 3 Unit 5 Reading为例. 海外英语,2019(9): 183-184。
[5] 庄志琳. 英语阅读教学中的材料处理:解读与使用[J]. 杭州: 浙江大学出版社,2013。