
发表时间:2020/8/3   来源:《教学与研究》2020年54卷10期   作者:朱彦妮
[导读] 职业生涯规划,是关乎一个人终生发展的重要课题。
        关键词:规划教育  高中英语  德育融入   教学过程
         《牛津高中英语》必修一第三单元的话题是Looking good, feeling good,旨在通过单元教学内容帮助青少年养成更为健康的生活方式、形成更为积极的人生态度。在开始整个单元的教学之前,我整合了与本话题相关的六篇阅读文章(包括本单元Project的文章),设计为单元整体阅读任务。与此同时,我给学生设置了一个代入感很强的情境:你是某健康管理中心新聘的员工,正在接受职前培训,其中有一项任务是通过阅读大量文件资料学习与健康管理相关的知识,为后期的培训考核和客户服务做好准备。
Teaching process:
Situation (Students’ new role):
“Hello, everybody! Congratulations! Welcome to HMRC-Health Management Research Center! You have been admitted as new staff of our center and you have to get lots of training before you begin your work. Your first task is to read some passages related to ‘health’ and ‘losing weight’. Today, you’ll be tested. Good luck!”
The 1st pass: Feedback on pre-class tasks
(All the challenges, based on the pre-class handout, are given without consideration of some specific diseases.)
Challenge 1: What are healthy foods and what are unhealthy ones?
Get students to pick out the healthy food from the list and put them into the right box.
Challenge 2: What exercises are effective to help you lose weight (even if you have “obesity gene”)?
Get one student to come to the Bb and fill in the blanks based on the reading materials.
Challenge 3: What habits are beneficial to your health?
Get two students to come to the Bb and tell what are habits beneficial to our health.(A competition)
The 2nd pass: In-class Reading
Challenge 4: Reading for necessary information
Please read the emails on Pages 42-43 and fill in the “Customer General Information”.
                        HMRC Customer General Information
Customer Name: Amy
Gender: Male             Female   
Customer Address:
Customer Possible Current Occupation:
Customer Previous Experiences:
   (Plot of Amy’s story)
Customer Future Requirements:
Diets          Work-out Plan               Other:
Next Plan for Future Business (Suggestions):
Challenge 5: Giving an oral report to your boss
Please introduce your first future customer to your boss.
Challenge 6: Making proper suggestions (Group work)
Get the new staff to work in groups to put forward at least 3 practical suggestion for Amy, who has just recovered and planned to live a healthy life.

The 3rd pass: Your opinions about “Beauty”
Introduce the topic of “Beauty” from students’ suggestions. The following questions may be necessary:
What is “Beauty”? Who defines “Beauty”? Who influences people’s attitude towards “Beauty”?
Watch a video clip (Topic: Talk to your daughter before the beauty industry does) and then share your opinions.
(You also will be parent some day in the future. How would you talk to your daughter about ‘Beauty’?)
Beauty is ….
Get students from two teams to take turns to share their opinions about “Beauty”.
[设计意图]这一步骤是对学生观念的一个提升,帮助学生形成正确的关于“美”的认识。通过一个炫酷的视频引发学生对于减肥、医美等的思考。之后再强化视频中的主题“Talk to your daughter before the beauty industry does”,询问他们在未来为人父/母时该如何和孩子谈“美”,引导学生形成更为积极的价值观,并呼吁学生将积极的价值观运用至未来的职业生涯和生活之中。
The 4th pass: Please work out a more detailed Healthy Plan for Amy (based on what we’ve discussed in class and a positive attitude towards “Beauty”) 
         片段一:Challenge 5: Please give an oral report to your boss on your client Amy.
Student 1: Good afternoon, sir. I’d like to introduce a customer called Amy. She is an actress from Canada. In order to get into good shape, she took weight-loss pills. And she got sick. Now she is in hospital recovering from liver failure. That’s all.
Student 2: Good afternoon, boss. I have a customer whose name is Amy. She wants to become slimmer and slimmer, so she takes weight-loss pills called Fat-less. Then she got sick and she was sent to hospital. Now, she wants me to make a plan for her.
         片段二:Challenge 6: Making proper suggestions (Group work)
Get the new staff to work in groups to put forward at least 3 practical suggestion for Amy, who has just recovered and planned to live a healthy life.
Student 1: She should have a good amount of sleep;
She can try some exercise like jogging;
She’d better eat healthy food and not take pills again.
Student 2: Amy should have healthy eating habits along with regular exercise.
Give body enough energy
She should have positive attitudes.
Student 3: Be confident. Don’t be embarrassed about her weight.
Don’t skip any meals.
Do proper exercises.
         片段三:Brainstorming: “Beauty is ….”
Get students from two teams to take turns to share their opinions about “Beauty”.
Student 1: Beauty is a kind of magic when you accept yourself. It means acceptance.
Student 2: Beauty means that our body is healthy and we have power to do anything we like.
Student 3: Beauty means light from our bottom heart.
Student 4: Beauty is everything we love.
Student 5: Beauty means that we look clean and tidy.
Student 6: Beauty is smiling confidently.
Student 7: Beauty means you have confidence to face any hardship in the world.
Student 8: Beauty means being polite to others.
Student 9: Beauty means a good attitude and being kind to others.
Student 10: Beauty is a kind of treasure that all we want.
Student 11: Beauty is being true and nature.
T: You have got so many brilliant ideas of “Beauty”. I hope you will have a positive attitude towards “Beauty”. It is you who defines beauty. You look great as you are.
    [3]王雅文. 普通高中职业生涯教育现状和对策研究[D].华东师范大学,2014.
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