An Article Review on Spivak’ s Terror: A Speech After 9-11

发表时间:2020/8/27   来源:《教育学文摘》2020年第10期   作者:李莹
[导读] In speeches given and published since 2002, Spivak has addressed the issue of terrorism.

         Abstract: In speeches given and published since 2002, Spivak has addressed the issue of terrorism. “ Postcolonialism is a period in global time-space in which most of the former colonies of western imperial powers have gained formal independence. Because of the existence of the Other, the master’s subjectivity and authority is established. She sheds light on the status of modern women as the Other originating to their gender and point out the ways for women to get out of otherness towards freedom.            
         Key words: Spivak, postcolonialism, other, freedom

An Article Review on Spivak’ s Terror: A Speech After 9-11
         Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak, one of the leading and most influential cultural theorists working today, analyzes the relationship between language, women and culture in both Western and non-Western contexts. Developing an original integration of powerful contemporary methodologies - deconstruction, Marxism and feminism - Spivak turns this new model on major debates in the study of literature and culture, thus ensuring that In Other Worlds has become a valuable tool for studying our own and other worlds of culture.
         In speeches given and published since 2002, Spivak has addressed the issue of terrorism. Clearly stating that her intention is to bring an end to suicide bombing, she has explored and, “ tried to imagine what message might contain.” These ruminations have included descriptions such as: “ suicide bombing is an act inscribed on the body when no other means will get through. One critic has suggested that this sort of stylized language may serve to blur important moral issues relating to terrorism. However, she stated in the text of the speech that “Single coerced yet willed suicidal terror is in excess of the destruction of dynastic temples and the violation of women, tenacious and powerfully residual. It has not the banality of evil. It is informed by the stupidity of belief taken to extreme. “ Yet, being a citizen of the world who aspires to live and prosper under ‘‘the rule of law,’’ I will risk a word. When we believe that to punish the perpetrators as criminals would be smarter than, or even more correct than, military intervention, we are not necessarily moving toward a lasting peace. Unless we are trained into imagining the other, a necessary, impossible, and interminable task, nothing we do through politico-legal calculation will last, even with the chanciness of the future anterior: something will have been when we plan a something will be.Before the requirement of the emergence of a specifific sort of ‘‘public sphere’’—corollary to imperial systems and the movement of peoples, when different ‘‘kinds’’ of people came to live together—such training was part of general cultural instruction.” “Given this gender-prominence, a feminist critical theory must repeat  that expanding the war endlessly will not necessarily produce multiple-issue gender justice in the subaltern sphere.”
         “ Postcolonialism is a period in global time-space in which most of the former colonies of western imperial powers have gained formal independence. The colonizer saw themselves at the center of the world, the colonized were at the margins. The colonizers saw themselves as the embodiment of what a human being should be, the proper “self”, He thinks that when the self is constructed as the subject, other people  are the Other, the secondary and the object. He then applies the Other to the relationship between master and slave. The master turns the one who is originally equal to him as the slave. For the master, the slave is the Other. Because of the  existence of the Other, the master’s subjectivity and authority is established. The slave has to serve for his master and puts himself under the authority of master, so he loses subject consciousness and plays a passive role. “ The most diffificult thing as the emancipation of women by the US is celebrated over and over again is an assessment of the Soviet regime.” She sheds light on the status of modern women as the Other originating to their gender and point out the ways for women to get out of otherness towards freedom.                                     
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