Research on Strategies of Teaching English Reading in Senior Middle Schools

发表时间:2020/11/13   来源:《教育学文摘》2020年第22期   作者:张艳丽
[导读] Abstract:With the promulgation and implementation of new curriculum standards

        唐县第一中学  河北省保定市  072350
        Abstract:With the promulgation and implementation of new curriculum standards, the importance of high school English reading teaching has become more prominent. This article explores the English reading teaching strategies, using reading teaching practice as a carrier to deepen the reform of reading teaching, promote the development of high school students' language ability and thinking ability, and promote the professional development of high school English teachers.
        Key words: strategies of teaching English; reading; senior middle schools
        1 Use scientific reading teaching methods in the classroom
        Traditional English teaching concepts believe that words and phrases are the basic units of English language meaning. Chapters are composed of paragraphs, paragraphs are composed of sentences, and sentences are composed of phrases.
        As a high school English teacher, you need to pay attention to cooperate with new technology methods in teaching, and try to use scientific reading teaching methods to teach. When teaching<Teenage Life>, teachers need to present the key mind map about different kinds of teenage life to arouse students’ interests.What’s more, make the students work in groups to discuss what elements are needed to be included in teenage life.
        2 Strengthen the guidance and training of students' reading strategies
        First of all, pay attention to the cultivation of good reading habits for high school students. We insisted on training students in "time-limited reading" to help students improve their reading speed.
        Second, teach effective reading skills to enhance reading ability. For example, in discourse teaching, due to the wide range of subjects and diverse genres of the high school English textbooks implemented in the new curriculum reform, English teachers need to pay attention to guiding students to analyze the structure of discourse in different genres, so that students can learn to speak the language as a whole.
        3 Attach importance to the subjectivity of students
        According to the constructivist view of learning, students are the builders of knowledge, and their knowledge construction activities directly determine the effect of teaching. This requires teachers to be learner-centered in classroom teaching. The length of high school English texts is generally relatively long, and the texts are permeated with rich aesthetic and scientific education content. These texts take into account knowledge, interest and thought. Therefore, in the reading teaching of this type of text, teachers carefully design a series of enlightening questions that can arouse students' interest in exploring, which can stimulate students' thinking and cultivate their initiative The habit of learning. You can change the subject of questioning, permeate students with a sense of questioning, encourage students to ask questions, and think independently. Teachers guide students to explore from multiple angles, use associations, and diverge their thinking.
        In summary, high school English teachers need to keep pace with the times, comprehend the ideas of the new curriculum reform and follow the requirements of the new curriculum standards, constantly change teaching concepts, innovate teaching models, teaching methods, update knowledge structures, and let students learn to use scientific reading Reading strategies can effectively improve students' reading ability and help students learn English well.
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