山东省平原县第一中学 杨秋霞 253100
Period 1 Starting out & Understanding ideas
第一节课原本计划上完Starting out & Understanding ideas的初步理解,但是没有完成,原因有两个:一是因为课前先解读了一下教材结构,二是因为和学生比较陌生,需要磨合,学生放不开,不知道如何组织语言来表达自己的想法,生生交流也不够充分,交流的习惯还有待养成。
程度低的学生会讲:My form teacher ,Mr. Li is smart.
程度好的学生会讲:I was excited,and I was a little nervous,too. I was excited because I will start a new life.I was nervous because teachers and classmates are all strange. I was very happy,there were so many people and our school is very big, both my classmates and teachers are very friendly.
Period 2 Understanding ideas & sentence structure
本节课完成了Understanding ideas文本的学习,通过完成表格帮助理解,理解课文并理解作者的情感。学生在此环节完成比较顺利。但是差别也挺大,程度高的学生可以整体复述,但程度差的学生只能复述一段。在think&share部分,较之starting out里面的questionnaire部分说自己most impressive things来说,学生明显地多了词汇,譬如,embarrassed, curious,impressive,frightened,relaxed等等词汇,都可以比较娴熟的使用。
Sentence structure部分练习基本句型,主谓,主谓宾,主谓宾宾,主系表,学生对基本句型的认识基本没有问题,看图说话部分,讲完整的故事基本也没有问题,其中一个学生一口气说了十个主系表,
I am happy/excited/curious/frightened/nervous/embarrassed/relaxed/confident/surprised/proud.
尽管很少有学生能给出surprising ending,但是这不是最重要的,因为本节课的目标是让学生用基本句型讲故事,只要用上基本句型把故事讲清楚,目标即已达成。
Period 3 School clubs & Make a plan
Period 4 Developing ideas
本节课步骤分为:预测----验证预测----回答问题----think & share----speech。
备课阶段我觉得这些步骤缺一不可,都需要学生开口讲,第一节课下来之后,发现预测和验证预测,如果都让学生组织语言,流利地讲出来,耗时很多,所以后面读文章时间很紧张,第二节课我及时做了调整,预测部分引导学生去看,我来说,顺利导入课堂,大大节约了时间,使得阅读时间充分,回答了activity3的问题并点明此类题做题技巧,最后用一个问题how many questions did the interviewer ask Lisa? What is Lisa’s advice?梳理文章整体内容,进行非常顺利,最后think & share部分讨论一个问题,轻松完成,最后speech部分让一个学生展示,另一个学生补充advice,进展比较顺利,时间也宽裕了很多。
Period 5 Writing
本部分内容也是本单元的核心内容,学生经历一周的高中生活和学习,经历和感触一定很多,也学会了一些知识,现在再告诉他如何以日记的形式记录自己的第一周生活,这是一个很好的体验和学习方法,引导学生使用一些本单元新词汇,日记范文里的好词好句,注意日记文体特征,如日期,时间,地点,事件的描写等,最终产出,大部分学生会运用日记范文里的Finally, it’s Friday! I can’t believe the first week is coming to an end. Things are going well.首句和useful expressions.
Period 6 Presenting ideas
1.I think lunch break is short, our sleeping time is so little. We have no enough time to sleep, then we are always sleepy and we are not full of energy. So we can’t study effectively.
2.The gate of the dining room is so narrow and it is so crowded. So we can’t get into it quickly and we can’t buy food quickly. Then we will be late for class. I hope our school can open more doors for students.Or the students can have dinner one class after class.
3.The drinking water is expensive.
4.Students can’t buy anything in the supermarket, it isn’t convenient at all.
5.We can’t have a bath, then we are smelly.
6.We have no time to develop our hobbies.
7.The water in the dormitory is so cold that we can’t wash our feet.
8.The food in the dining room is expensive.
9.We got up so early that we are always sleepy.
10.We don’t know why our PE teacher,music teacher and art teacher are always ill.
11.The WC door is very dangerous, and it always bumps into my head.
12.We have only 20 minutes to have dinner, but the stairs are always crowded, the dining rooms are always crowded, even every place is crowded. We are tired.
13.We have only 20 minutes to go to sleep, we have no time to wash our feet and brush our teeth.