王宏英 樊义龙
陕西省汉中市汉台区铺镇中学 陕西省汉中市 723007
关键词:1猫,cat;2蜜蜂,bee;3驴,donkey;4公鸡,cock;5狗,dog;6象,elephant; 7鱼,fish;8狐狸,fox;9青蛙,frog;10鹅,goose;11马,horse;12老鼠,mouse;13猪,pig;14鸽子,pigeon;15鳄鱼,crocdile16天鹅,swan;17绵羊,sheep;18老虎,tiger19苍蝇,fly20蚂蚁,ant; 21鹰,eagle;22蠕虫,worm;23鸟,bird;24鸭子,duck;25熊,bear;26猴,monkey;27蛇,snake;28蜗牛,snail;29蟹,crab;30兔子,rabbit这些和动物有关的英语。
1.cat:由于东西方文化差异,汉语中的猫可指猫科动物,也可指温顺的人。比如我们可以说某某乖的像猫一样。英语中的相关单词如下:cat and dog life指争吵的生活,鸡大不宁的日子。enough to make A cat laugh(口)好笑极了。let the cat out of the bag泄密了。even a cat may look at a king(谚)小人物也应有些权力。like a cat on a hot bricks(英口)像热锅上的蚂蚁。 there is no room to swing a cat(英俚)这地方又小又窄又拥挤。rain cats and dogs下倾盆大雨。wait for the cat to jump(口)观望形势再做决策。
2.bee:蜜蜂(工作或娱乐的)聚会;比赛会。A spelling bee拼写比赛会。as busy as a bee非常忙碌a bee in one`S bonnet(about sth)脑子里关于某事的念头。for example:My teather has a bee
In his bonnet about my composition我的老师没完没了地琢磨我的作文as busy as a bee非常忙碌。for example:l am as busy as a bee我非常地忙。
3.donkey:驴,可指笨蛋及固执的人。silly donkey蠢驴。donkey work(口)枯燥困难的工作。
4.cock:公鸡,龙头,开关(英俚)老兄。cock'S ears竖起耳朵。a cock of the walk称王称霸的人。go off at half cock操之过急。live like fighting cocks养尊处优,享受美食。cockcrow黎明,日出。cocked hat三角帽。cockeyed斜的,歪的,弯曲的。cockfighting斗鸡。cocks comb鸡冠,鸡冠花,小丑的帽子。cocktail鸡尾酒。
5.dog:(1)狗(口)无赖,废物。you lucky dog你这个幸运儿。(美俚)蹩脚货。die like A dog可耻地死去。dog in the manager占着茅坑不拉屎的人。every dog has his day(谚)凡人都有得意的日子。give a dog a bad name(谚)一旦给人加上坏名声,他就永远洗刷不掉。
lead adog`S life(口)不断地折磨某人。let sleeping dog lie(谚)莫惹是非。love me ,love my dog(谚)爱屋及乌。put on the dog(俚)妄自尊大。top dog(口)头儿。treat sb like A dog(口)待某人很坏。
you can not teach an old dog new tricks你不能使老年守旧的人政变思想习惯。dogcart狗拖车。dog days(复)三伏天,大热天。dog-eared(书等)卷角的。dog-eat_dog互相残杀,残酷自私的。dogfight(飞机)空中格斗;狗打架;混战。
6.swan,天鹅。all sb's geese are swans自夸自赞,耀跃自已。
7.fish:鱼,鱼肉。(口)捞取;间接探听。fish for information探听消息fish up捞起。drink like a fish(口)大嚼have another fish to fry另外有事要干。like a flsh out of water如鱼离水,感到生疏。cold fish对他人冷淡的人。
8.fox:狐狸,狐皮,狡猾的人。as sly as a fox像狐狸一样狡猾。crazy like a fox(美俚)不易受骗的,聪明的。for example: you are an old sly fox你是一只狡猾的老狐狸。
9.frog:青蛙,盘花纽扣。A frog in the frog(口)轻度口哑。for example:Sorry,there is a frog in my throat对不起,我嗓子哑了。
10.goose:鹅,笨蛋。复数形式geese all one'S geese are swans自夸自赞,夸耀自已的所有。kill the goose that lays the golden eggs杀鸡取卵。play gooseberry插足男女感情的人,第三者,小三。gooseflesh寒冷或害怕起的鸡皮疙瘩。
11.horse:马。a horse of another colour完全另外一回事。A willing horse乐意做各种工作的人。
take the wrong horse(赛马)中下错赌注;支持失败的一方。darK horse黑马,实力难测的人。don't look a gift in the mouth别对礼物吹毛求疵。eat like a horse吃得很多。put the cart before the horse本未倒置。work like A horse辛苦地干活。you can lead A horse to water but you can't make it drink(谚)带马到河边易,逼马饮水难。?
12.mouse:鼠,耗子。复数形式mice;也可指文静而胆小的人。as poor as A church mouse一贫如洗。put cat and mouse with sb残酷地对待某人。
13.pig:猪(贬)贪吃的人;肮脏的人;行为可憎的人。make A pig of oneself(口)狼吞虎咽,大吃大喝。pigs might fly在风口上,猪也会飞,暗指奇事会发生。
14.pigeon:鸽子(口)职责,丁当务it'S not my pigeon这不是我的事。set(Put)the cat among the pigeons(口)(尤指因泄密而)引起的混乱。for example:that will set the cat among pigeon这下要鸡犬不宁,不得安生了。
15.crocodile:鳄鱼crocodile tear鳄鱼的眼泪,假哭,假慈悲。shed crocodile tears猫哭耗子假慈悲。she shed crocodiletears when she dismissed him from his job 她把他觧雇时,流出了鳄鱼的眼泪,假装很伤心难过的样子。
16.大象,elephant; white elephant可指大而无用的东西。elephant memory means have a good memory有很好的记忆力。
Cow,奶牛。(贬,俚语)女子,woman? for example
You stupid woman你这个傻女人。ox复数形式oxen,指母牛或未庵割的公牛。
18.绵羊,sheep,复数形式还是sheep习语,like sheep易受他人影响,易受他人左右。
Make sheep's eyes at somebody,向某人暗送秋波,眉目传情。
19.蚂蚁,ant,习语have ants in one's pants指人遇到事情,坐立不安。
20.鹰,雕,eagle,eagle eye指极好的视力或者十分敏锐的目光。
21.蠕虫,worm, earthworm蚯蚓。for example :look ,this is an earthworm看,这是一条蚯蚓。silkworm,蚕。look,that is a silkworm瞧,那是一条蚕。
22.goat,山羊,英语习语中也指举止轻浮,放浪或不负责住的人。Do not act/play the goat 绝不能举止轻浮。
23.bird,鸟类或者禽类。a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush一鸟在手胜过二鸟在林。kill two birds with one stone一石二鸟或者也可翻译成一箭双碉。 lit is an early bird that can catch a worm谚语:早起的鸟儿有食吃。
24.duck,鸭子,鸭肉。like a duck to water比喻干某事容易的像鸭子下水似的,不犹豫,不惧怕,自然而然地。
25.bear,熊。idiom,习语a bear garden指嘈杂暄闹的场所或会议。like a bear with a sore head指易怒的,脾气很坏的。
26.monkey,猴子。口语中也指玩皮的儿童,调皮,捣蛋。monkey about with sth指胡乱摆弄某物或干扰某事。for example :Don not monkey about with my computer别乱动我的电脑。
27.snake,蛇。口语中可指阴险之人。for example:that snake in the grass reported me to the boss那个口蜜腹剑的家伙到老板那告了我一状。
28.snail,蜗牛。fore example:Snails have been eating our lettuces蜗牛一直在吃我们的莴苣。习语:at a snail's pace means very slowly。
29.crab,蟹,蟹肉。习语:crab about sth 指抱怨,挑剔,批评。for example:The manager is always crabbing about my work经理对我的工作总是横挑鼻子竖挑眼。
30.rabbit,兔子。rabbit on/ about sb/sth (口,贬)冗长地或信口开河,无针对性地谈。for example:What are you rabitting on/about?你在瞎胡咧咧什么?