太原理工大学 山西太原 030600
[摘要] 在全面推进高校课程思政建设的指导思想下,大学英语课程思政模式的研究是高校政治教育工作的一项新课题。本文以《新视野大学英语读写教程》第三版第四册unit3 Text A: 《Fred Smith and FedEx: The vision that changed the world》 为例,从课文主题的教学环节入手,具体阐述了重要论述融入文章主题的实践探索。本文的主题是弗雷德.史密斯的成功原因,即个人品德,领导作风和创新精神三方面的成功原因。
[关键词] 文章主题 重要论述 大学英语课程思政
重要论述是大学英语课程思政教育教学中最重要的思想政治教育资源和语言素材,为创建具有中国特色的公共外语课程思政模式提供了思想武器和行动指南。本文就以《新视野大学英语读写教程》第三版第四册unit3 Text A: 《Fred Smith and FedEx: The vision that changed the world》 为例,从课文主题的教学环节入手,具体阐述了如何把重要论述融入文章主题的实践探索。
课前准备时,可让学生先从个人品德,领导作风和创新精神三方面收集论述的中英文双语内容。课文导入时,先让学生朗读并分析,理解相关论述的内容,并发表其看法。课文讲解时,先围绕本文的主题----弗雷德.史密斯的成功原因,引导学生在理解课文的过程中,从个人品德,领导作风和创新精神三方面分析,总结和罗列出支撑弗雷德.史密斯的成功原因的内容。 然后在讲解的过程中,把关于个人品德,领导作风和创新精神三方面的论述有机的,润物细无声的结合进弗雷德.史密斯的成功原因里,进行学习,分析和总结,从而完成全程育人、全方位育人的目标。
一.弗雷德.史密斯成功的原因之一:个人品德Personal Morality
A. patriotism: He was a patriot……(p6)
B. dedication: He drafted a prototype for a transportation company
……(p5) Smith became fascinated by the notion….starting his own business.(p8)The early days were underscored by extreme frugality and financial loss……(p9)
C.integrity: Most successful overnight delivery service in the world(p1)
D.goodwill: An outstanding entrepreneur with an agreeable and winning personality. (p2) He is said to be a friendly and accessible employer.(p12)
二.弗雷德.史密斯成功的原因之二 : 领导作风Leadership Style
A. Good faith in performing official duties:
He drafted a prototype for a transportation company……(p5)
Smith became fascinated by the notion…. (p8)
B. Good faith in taking initiatives:
stating his own business…. (p8)
The early days were underscored by extreme frugality and financial
C. Good faith in interacting with others:
An outstanding entrepreneur with an agreeable and winning personality (p2)
He is said to be a friendly and accessible employee.(p12)
Smith showed concern for the welfare of his employees …… they still set the precedent to ensure a good medical and dental plan for
their people.(p9)
这时学生应该就会自己把弗雷德.史密斯领导作风和总书记强调的三严三实的领导作风联系起来了. 在2014年3月9日,十二届全国人大二次会议安徽代表团审议时讲道:“各级领导干部都要树立和发扬好的作风,既严以修身、严以用权、严以律己,又谋事要实、创业要实、做人要实,…… ”谋事要实,就是要从实际出发谋划事业和工作,使点子、政策、方案符合实际情况、符合客观规律、符合科学精神,不好高骛远,不脱离实际。( Good faith in performing official duties entails
due diligence in decision making to ensure that all ideas,
policies, and plans are context appropriate, in line with
actual conditions, and on well conceived and rational basis.
We should avoid being overly ambitious and divorced from
reality. )创业要实,就是要脚踏实地、真抓实干,敢于担当责任,勇于直面矛盾,善于解决问题,努力创造经得起实践、人民、历史检验的实绩。 (Good faith in taking initiatives requires down-to-earth
wisdom, results orientation, and accountability for our
actions. We should be willing to face up to problems,
and be adept at solving them, and strive to achieve real
results that can stand the test of time. )做人要实,就是要做老实人、说老实话、干老实事。 (Good faith in interacting with others
calls for honesty in our daily life and work. We should
always talk the talk, and walk the walk. )三严三实的领导作风与弗雷德.史密斯的领导作风不谋而合,可见虽然在不同国家,不同文化背景,甚至不同历史时期我们人类所要求的成功领导作风是一样的。所以我们要树立和发扬三严三实的作风 “要发扬钉钉子精神,保持力度,保持韧劲,善始善终,善作善成。”(2014年3月9日,参加十二届全国人大二次会议安徽代表团审议时讲话 )
[课题项目] 太原理工大学2020年校级教学改革创新项目“大学英语课程思政融入国家领导人重要论述的教学设计和实践研究”(课题批准号:OP17100164)的研究成果。
[作者简介] 耿新奇(1975-02), 女, 山西平遥人,硕士研究生,讲师,主要研究方向: