
发表时间:2021/4/1   来源:《基础教育参考》2021年4月   作者:叶安萍
[导读] 本文以一节三年级绘本阅读课的磨课过程为例,通过试教片段和教学片段,前后提出的不同类型的问题,以及其所带来的相应的教学效果的对比。探索如何提出有思维含量的问题,从而激发相关的话题,在语言输出的环节培养学生的思辨能力。

叶安萍      南京师范大学附属中学新城小学南校区  210019
中图分类号:G652.2   文献标识码:A   文章编号:ISSN1672-1128 (2021)04-004-03

        本节课的教学内容是跟上兔子系列绘本第三季三年级绘本《White Ghost》,绘本的主要内容是海洋里面很多的小动物都生病了,大家都说是有一种叫做“White Ghost”的东西使大家生了病,于是小动物们去找海龟医生看病,海龟医生虽然治好了小动物们的病,但是不相信“White Ghost”的传闻,于是自己去海边亲眼看看,果然海里和海滩上到处都是“White Ghost”。
        1.学生能理解绘本内容,并知道什么是“White Ghost”。
        4.学生能通过板书大概复述故事内容,并且思考自身应该怎么做去帮助海洋动物们消灭“White Ghost”。
        T: Hello,boys and girls. Do you like animals?
        T:I have a video about the sea animals, do you want to see it?
        Ss: Yes.
        T:Look at the animals in the sea,what do you think of them?
        Ss: They are beautiful/cute/lovely.
        T: Do you know other sea animals?
        Ss:Sea star/crab/lobster/clam……
        T:You know lots of sea animals! I have a photo about sea animals too.
        Look at it carefully, and then, tell me, what animals can you see?
        S1: I can see seals.
        S2: I can see a turtle.
        S3: I can see seagulls.
        S4: I can see dolphins.
        S5: I can see octopus.
        T: Impressive! And you know what, the turtle is a doctor, all the other animals are his patients. They all sick and they believe it’s because of a thing in the sea, it called White Ghost.
        T:What is White Ghost? Don’t worry, when we finish this story, you’ll know, now, let’s go on.
        T: Hello~boys and girls. Have you ever been to the sea?
        T: I think the sea is beautiful! What do you think?
        Ss: I think it’s big/blue/cute……
        T:Great! You think it’s ……,and there are lots of sea animals live there, Look!
        T:They’re cute, aren’t they?
        T: Do you know other sea animals?
        Ss:Sea star/crab/lobster/clam……   增加话轮
        T:You know lots of sea animals! But, today, some animals are not in the sea, they’re in the hospital, look, who are they?
        S1: They are seals.
        S2: He is turtle.
        S3:They are seagulls.
        S4: They are dolphins.
        S5: They are octopus.
        T: Impressive! And you know what, the turtle is a doctor, all the other animals are his patients. They all sick and they believe it’s because of a thing in the sea, it called White Ghost.
        T:Look! Here is the White Ghost! (拿出简笔画的鬼魂形象,见图1)What is White Ghost? Is it a big fish?Can you guess?Maybe……
        T:Don’t worry, when we finish this story, you’ll know, now, let’s go on.
        两次导入,笔者所问的问题,看似只是增加了一两个问题,实则差距甚远。上课伊始的问题,从 Do you like animals?这样的学生只能回答Yes.或者No.的封闭式问题转变为Have you ever been to the sea? I think the sea is beautiful! What do you think?这样的可以调动学生已有知识和情感的有意义问题。同时,用与大海有关的开放型问题,不仅可以调动学生的已有经验而且紧扣主题,同时也体现了交流的真实性,通过开放型问题,引导学生自主表达,尤其是I think the sea is beautiful! What do you think?这个问题,在授课过程中,知识储备较多的学生可以输出很多,词汇较少的孩子也能说出一二,真正做到了调动全体学生学习的兴趣,调动了学生的已有的知识经验,唤起了真实的情感体验,为下面海洋动物的引入做了很好的铺垫。
        此外,在引入主题White Ghost的问题设计上,笔者将原来的What is White Ghost? Don’t worry, when we finish this story, you’ll know, now, let’s go on.改变为Here is the White Ghost! (拿出简笔画的鬼魂形象)What is White Ghost? Is it a big fish?Can you guess?Maybe……
        笔者认为每个人的想法都有正确的地方,于是,经过思考和整理,决定事先画一幅简笔画的鬼魂形象,引导学生先进行猜测,将“悬疑”贴在黑板上,让它“萦绕”我们的整节课。在正式授课过程中,这个鬼魂很大程度上增添了我们课堂的趣味性,而且这个问题的设置,抓住了绘本前半部分的留白,使得学生有机会发挥自己的想象力,而学生们课堂生成的答案,例如:“Maybe it’s a giant.”“Maybe it’s a monster.”“Maybe it’s a sea dragon.”“Maybe it’s a bad guy.”……让笔者留下了深刻的印象,惊叹于孩子们丰富的想象力。在接下来的学习环节中,学生带着问题走进文本,带着期待和探究欲望进入学习,使学习过程变成他们大胆预测、验证猜想的过程。通过培养学生的想象能力和创新能力,将思辨的概念引入课堂教学。

        Doctor Turtle is very busy today, because he has many patients. Then, what’s wrong with them? Please, read from P6 to P13,group in four, you can help each other when you meet new words.
        T:Time is up, what’s wrong with them?
        Doctor Turtle is very busy today, because he has many patients. Then, what’s wrong with them?
        T:First, let’s see Seals, Seals family had ____________. Because they _________.
        带读stomach ache, 表情动作夸张
        Ok, I know, we can’t eat fish any more, because fish will make us sick, right?
        Ss: No.
        T: Then why they eat fish and they had stomach ache?
        S2: Because those fish eat rubbish, and the Seals eat the fish, then they had stomach ache.
        T: Great!So, if you are the Seal, how should you say this sentence?
        T: How about other animals? Let’s see. Please, read from P6 to P13,group in four, you can help each other when you meet new words.
        T:Time is up, what’s wrong with them?
        请四位同学提取关键词,教师黏贴相应板书, 并有感情的朗读四句话
        同样是提取P6-13的关键信息,在试教时,看似将课堂还给了学生,给了学生充足的自主学习时间,但是忽视了教学对象的知识局限性,三年级的学生词汇和句型的储备并不丰富,因此在教学过程中,笔者为学生搭建了语言支架。不仅如此,We can’t eat fish any more, because fish will make us sick, right?以及Then,why they eat fish and they had stomach ache?这两个问题相互联系,由浅入深。首先询问学生“我们不能吃鱼,因为鱼会让我们生病”这句话对不对,制造认知失衡,从而引导学生去思考,为什么海豹一家吃了鱼就生病了呢?通过这两个问题的设置,把学生带入思辨的氛围,点燃思维的火花,让学生先进行自主猜测,然后,通过放大图片,学生会发现原来鱼肚子里都是垃圾,引导学生更深入的思考问题。
        T: Now, we know these animals are sick and they believe it’s because of the White Ghost. But doctor Turtle doesn’t believe it, he will check them one by one. How does he check them? Please read from P16 to P19, group in four, don’t forget to help each other.
        T:Well done, everyone. Look, poor seagull, poor dolphin, pitiable seal and little octopus. Look! Doctor Turtle is angry and sad.
        T: Now, we know these animals are sick and they believe it’s because of the White Ghost, if you are the doctor, do you believe it? Why?
        Ss: Yes. Because ……/No. Because……
        T: Does Doctor Turtle believe it? Let’s listen.
        T: So, Doctor Turtle doesn’t believe it, he will check them one by one.
        How does he treat them?
        T: How does doctor turtle treat Seals family? Look!
        Ss: Show them some photos.
        T: Why? You can discuss with your deskmate.
        Ss: Because these fish eat rubbish, when you eat them, you will sick.
        T: Wonderful! Look, if you are the turtle, what will you say to Seals?
        Ss: You can’t eat those fish.
        T: How about other animals? Please read from P17 to P19, group in four, don’t forget to help each other.
        T: Wonderful, you got all the information, now, let’s act these out. I am the doctor, I need a mother dolphin, baby dolphin,who wants to help me?
        T: You got it? Work in three, let’s role play, don’t forget to add some lines  and to feel their emotions.
        T:Well done, everyone. Look, poor seagull, poor dolphin, pitiable seal and little octopus, if you are the doctor, what will you feel now?
        Ss: I will feel angry/sad/upset……
        T: So does Doctor Turtle! He is angry and sad.
        在试教过程中,笔者一直极力想抓住感情线,想渲染出海洋动物们的可怜、无助,海龟医生的不相信和愤怒的情感变化,但是效果不太理想。在教研过程中,团队成员指出运用迁移型问题的重要性,因此,在教学过程中,为了体现出海洋动物们的可怜和无助,笔者加入了角色扮演的环节,因为文本对于海洋动物们的受伤、就医和诊治并没有过多的语言描述,而是通过图片展现,虽然三年级的学生知识储备不够,但是孩子们的想象力是无穷的。因此,笔者引导学生转换角色,让学生充分进入故事,并以if you are the turtle, what will you say to Seals?这样的问题,充分调动学生自己的看病经历,与生活实际联系起来,让学生能够利用背景知识和生活经验。
        在上课过程中,孩子们的表现力很棒,将海洋动物们的痛苦表现得很到位,如:章鱼被截肢时的哀嚎,海豚做手术时的痛苦等。能够感觉得到学生沉浸在故事所渲染的情绪中。而海龟医生们所给出的建议,例如“Stay at home.”“You can QQ me.”等,虽然有些建议语法不准确,但是表达出了孩子们想法,和主动思考的生成,也让笔者很欣喜。
        最后 if you are the doctor, what will you feel now?有了前面孩子们生动的演出,这个角色转换,推己及人的问题设计,一下子就点燃了这些“海洋动物们”心中的愤怒和难过,不仅情感变化水到渠成,而且学习也更加生动。
        T:Boys and girls, where do they come from?
        For example, the bottles, when we drink the cola or spirit, they are here.
        T:Yes! So, these things, they come from human, they come from us!
        So, do you know, what is White Ghost now?
        Ss: White Ghost is plastic bags/straws/bottles.
        T:We should not create these White Ghosts to destroy our environment!
        How is the beach? Is it beautiful?
        Ss: No.
        T: Why?
        Ss: Because, plastic bags, straws and bottles are everywhere.
        T: Yes. Plastic bags, straws and bottles, these things come from us and they are killing our cute and lovely sea animals gradually, look!
        T:So, do you know, what is White Ghost now?
        Ss: White Ghost is plastic bags/straws/bottles.
        T: What can we do to help them? Work in pairs, discuss it.
        Ss: We can ……
        T: You ideas are fabulous! Boys and girls, we need to do it, instead of say it, we need to try our best to let the White Ghost die away!
        虽然试教时笔者也尝试引出人类是White Ghost的制造者,但是在情感上始终没有渲染到位。同样是揭晓谜题,但是修改后的教学明显要比试教的时候情绪点燃更到位。笔者通过一个公益性的广告造成视觉冲击,其次,What can we do to help them?基于现实提问,链接生活实际,小组讨论更是打开学生的思维,能够让学生将自己对于故事的理解和思考融合到教学中来,促使学生产生表达的意愿和激情,有效激活学生的思维。
        在上课过程中,学生也给出了许多行之有效的建议,例如“Don’t litter .”“Use less plastic.”等,笔者也呼吁孩子们用行动而不是语言来爱这个世界,一起努力,让“White Ghost”逐渐消失,让语言拥有实践性。希望通过与实际紧密相连的问题渗透给孩子人与自然和谐共处的概念。
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