I. Teaching aims:(教学目的)
2、 和同学建立合作意识,多注意观察身边人的特点并能与人和谐相处
II. Teaching points:(教学重难点)
IV Teaching methods:(教学方法)
V. Teaching steps:(教学步骤)
Step 1: lead-in (导入)(2mins)
Firstly,let’s enjoy some pictures,Do you know him?
The boy who is funny is Wang Yuan.
The boy that is kindhearted is Yiyang qianxi.
The boy who is very hardworking is Wang Junkai.
Look at the three sentences closely, and tell what do they have in common?
S: They all have the same subject, the boy,
T:They are described and followed by a part of sentence.This is what we call attributive clause
Step2: Definition of attributive clause(8mins)
举例分析E.g. She wants to find the kid who she met yesterday.
再举例让学生体验句子分析。City of rock is a movie that he likes best.
Summary 1
在复合句中作定语,修饰某一名词或代词的从句叫做定语从句。定语从句所修饰的词叫做____词,定语从句通常置于先行词的后面。引导定语从句的词主要有关系代词(who, whom, which, that, whose) 和关系副词(when, where, why)。 注意:本堂课重点讲解关系代词的选择。
Step3 Exercises(20mins)
Task1 Fill in the blank using proper relative pronouns(用关系代词填空)
1. Peppa Pig is a cartoon_________ is popular with children worldwide.
2. The actress _________plays the leading role in Huaqiangu is Zhao Liying.
3. Zhong Nanshan is a highly respected doctor for the fight against COVID-19 ______ we Chinese people consider our super hero.
Summary2 A restrictive relative clause modifies a noun, pronoun or noun phrase before it.
We use _________for things, and _________ and whom for people. We can use ______ for both things and people. We use________to show possession(有).
Task2 Rewrite the following sentences using restrictive relative clauses.
练一练: Friendships are like flowers. These flowers need to be taken good care of.
Step4 Group discussion and presentation(8mins)
Ss discuss in groups about the person you are familiar with using attributive clauses and present in class.
Step5 Homework
Write eight sentences about your friend using attributive clauses
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