法律英语中的be to句式

发表时间:2021/5/13   来源:《中国教师》2021年第18卷4期   作者:尹春晨
[导读] 在法律英语学习和翻译时,经常遇到“应该”,“应当”

        上海政法学院语言文化学院 上海 201701
        摘要:在法律英语学习和翻译时,经常遇到“应该”,“应当”,“必须”等命令的词汇,英文中相对应的是shall, should 或be to,如何准确无误得理解和翻译这些词有时令人困惑,本文试图通过比较和举例来作一尝试。

关键词:“应该”,“应当”,“必须”, shall, should 或be to
        出于中文用语习惯,刑法中描述刑罚、裁判规则的句子本身大多没有“应该”、“应当”等命令的词汇,但是英文法条中的刑罚描述却常常出现shall、should或者be to等词汇。这在我们平时法律英语的学习和翻译中文法条时都必须辨别清楚,做到准确和恰当。

1. 补充情态动词表达中文暗含的“应该”等意思

第二百七十四条 【敲诈勒索罪】敲诈勒索公私财物,数额较大或者多次敲诈勒索的,处三年以下有期徒刑、拘役或者管制,并处或者单处罚金;Article 274. Whoever extorts a relatively large amount of public or private property or extorts public or private property many times shall be sentenced to imprisonment of not more than 3 years, limited incarceration or probation and/or a fine.

2. be to句式表达中文暗含的“应该”等意思
但除了“凭空”加上的情态动词,“be to”句式空降的频率可以说是更高,且往往会搭配上被动语态,表达出潜藏在中文字词里“应该”、“就要”的意味。比如以下几个例子:
?1)但是按照犯罪地的法律不受处罚的除外。But an exception is to be made if a crime is not punishable according the law of the place where it was committed.?
2)享有外交特权和豁免权的外国人的刑事责任,通过外交途径解决。The problem of criminal responsibility of foreigners who enjoy diplomatic privileges and immunity is to be resolved through diplomatic channels.?
3)第十二条【刑法溯及力】中华人民共和国成立以后本法施行以前的行为,如果当时的法律不认为是犯罪的,适用当时的法律;If an act committed after the founding of the PRC and before the implementation of this law was not deemed a crime under the laws at that time,? the laws at that time are to be applicable.?

In situations where a person is sentenced to probation and to deprivation of political rights as a supplementary punishment, the term of deprivation of political rights is to be the same as the term of probation, and the punishments are to be executed at the same time.?

3. 那么在翻译法律条文时be to和shall有什么区别呢
         首先我们来查查be to这个词组,Macmillan English Dictionary for Advanced Learners中写道:“be to do something” can be used for?“saying or asking what should be done”,也就是说它有应该的意思,例如:
1)What are we to do??我们该怎么办?
2)You are to be congratulated on your wise decision.?您明智的决定该鼓掌称颂。
         而Webster’s Advanced Learner’s Dictionary则介绍了be to的一系列用法,其中也有包括应该的含义:
a. 表示未来将要发生的事情— used with to + verb to say what will happen or was going to happen in the future
1)The best is yet/still to come. [=the best has not yet happened]最好的还没来呢!
2)No one realized that she was one day to become famous. [=that she would become famous one day]没有人会料到她有一天会出名。

?b. 表示应该发生或者已经发生
— used with to + verb to say what should happen or be done
1)You are not (allowed) to smoke in here!你不该在这里抽烟
2)What am I to do? [=what should I do?]我该怎么做?

c.在否定句中表示可能的— used in negative statements with to + verb to say what is or was possible
1)The truth of their argument was not to be denied. [=could not be denied]他们论点的正确性不能被否认。
2)The book was nowhere to be found. [=could not be found]哪也找不到这本书。

— used with to + verb to say that one thing must happen or be true so that another thing can happen or be true
He must study if he is to pass his exams. [=he must study in order to pass his exams]如果他想要通过考试就必须学习。

         但从上述例句可以发现,虽说be to do有应该的意思的,但是同时它用法实在太多样了,既可以表达“应该”也可以表达“将要”等等,给人命令的感觉并没有比shall、should那么清晰强烈。
         因此,在翻译法条中“应当”含义不太明显的句子时可以使用 be to,中文法条中含有明确的应当含义,甚至直接出现了“应当”这样的字词的话,一般还是翻译为?shall?更妥当。例如:1)A single arbitrator who failing agreement shall be appointed by the chairman for the time being of THE LONDON COMMON LAW BAR ASSOCIATION under THE LONDON BAR arbitration scheme.在没能达成协议时,必须由伦敦律师协会主席根据伦敦律师仲裁方案任命一个独任仲裁员。
2)In the event of legal action is required to enforce any provision of this Agreement, the prevailing party shall be entitled to recover reasonable attorney’s fees and costs.如果要求法律诉讼来强制执行该协议中的任何条款, 胜诉方应当有权获取合理的律师费和其他支出。

1.刘艺工,屈文生        2003.《法律英语》北京:机械工业出版社
2.顾海根,姚骏华        2005.《法律英语教程》北京:北京大学出版社
3.陈庆柏        2007.《涉外经济法律英语》北京:法律出版社
4.董晓波        2008.《实用商务英语写作教程》北京:北京交通大学出版社
5.董世忠,赵建        2010.《21世纪法律英语》上海:复旦大学出版社
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