As the New Era being,deep thoughts over the pneumonia crisis 时空若运,新时期对长疾的思考

发表时间:2021/5/20   来源:《教育学文摘》2021年5期   作者:淡疏笔趣阁
[导读] Reflecting over the world – wide Coronavirus disease, the global’

        Reflecting over the world – wide Coronavirus disease, the global’s general public attitude of reaction lies in the sense of trouble、fidgety and unquiet.
        Overviewing the macrocosm by a glimpse of the individual’s depression, the effect of human – kind’s negativity for mindness, noted in a global view, surprised the mid-upper class of high society, by the background of international community.
        Regarding the past 16 years, China has concentrated his attention on the proper national economic construction and development, at a grade of non highly – running tunnel for the sake of general operation. He won the world’s grace and support with design of a 5th – annually circulation’s programme of state council, showing off his high intelligence.
        The Chinese government surprised international politic society attributing to his ability of far – seeing in future’s development, also considering his value environment. The comparison of the advantages and disadvantages, between the orient and occident, regarding the epidemic crisis, ha becomed a highlight point.
        The newspaper and journalism talked about, in these two years, the storms and falls emerged everyday, in the western public’s life overcast.
The discontent, aroused by the U.S. state tough, against the minor coloured people, esp. the Negroes, has astonished the sense of justice. Such strokes penetrant and impact the keen conscience of the deadline of the America’s mass people, without any hesitation, fulfilled the whole space of the sad spirit of U.S.’s Negroes.
        However, the misfortune hasn’t injured the America’s government’s heel enough, i.e. the sickness shown is not so impressedly – knocking ! But does harmness to the well – sensed persons and gentle people, with thick conscious awareness ! The incisive drama didn’t reduce the U.S. pop’s irregular ways of life; although unhealthy、abnormal life – style value. In the end of words, it talks about a waste of huge material substance, and so away with the pleasures.
        The vacancy of faith and trust, in America’s case, in a deadline of moral – ethic value systems’ efficiency, is deeply suggestive and advicing !
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