刘志伟 黄佳林
摘 要:论文基于后疫情时代的特征,立足于互联网+视域,针对当前大学生互联网思政教育存在的教育师资力量薄弱、教育形式老套以及思政教育主客关系异化等问题,对大学生互联网思政教育展开探究。系统性地阐述了如何强化思政教育师资力量、拓宽思政教育渠道以及强化教师教学主导性。通过强化思政教育师资队伍,拓宽思政教育渠道,强化教师教学主导性方面,提出要立足大学生思想行为特点,有针对性地进行教育引导。通过三个方面的创新性举措,积极引导学生树立起文化自信以及正确的思想道德观。
一 “互联网+”思政教育的研究背景
二 后疫情时代基于“互联网+”视域下思政教育创新研究的实际意义和价值
三 后疫情时代基于互联网+视域下思政教育创新性举措
从2018年9月起,“00后”开始作为新生力量进入大学校园。社会时代的差异、家庭环境的影响、网络新媒体的发展以及高校思政教育机制变革,都赋予了“00后” 大学生独特鲜明的思想特点。而新冠疫情爆发后,高校在线教育的主体恰恰是这样一群具备鲜明思想特点的“00后”。作为“知识网红”的思政教育老师在此过程中,时常关注学生的聊天讨论动态,在了解学生切实需求的基础上积极引导学生建立起正确的价值观,实现从“学生说事”延伸到“师生说事”,彼此之间搭起一座连心桥。
四 结论与展望
Innovative research on ideological and political education from the perspective of Internet in the post-epidemic era
Abstract—In this paper, literature research, descriptive research and directional analysis are used to study the innovation of ideological and political education in the post-epidemic era from the perspective of the Internet.Based on the characteristics of the post-epidemic era and from the perspective of the Internet, this paper explores the Internet ideological and political education of college students, aiming at the problems existing in the current Internet ideological and political education, such as weak teaching staff, outdated educational forms, and the alienation of the relationship between the subject and the object of ideological and political education.It systematically expounds how to strengthen the ideological and political education teachers and broaden the channels of ideological and political education and strengthen the leading role of teachers in teaching.In the aspect of strengthening ideological and political education teachers, it is pointed out that we should keep up with "knowledge web celebrity" and occupy the initiative of network ideological and political education.In terms of broadening ideological and political education channels, the focus is to make good use of the new media network platform to carry out Internet ideological and political education for college students and increase the intensity of Internet ideological and political education publicity and the depth of eye ideological and political education.In the aspect of strengthening teachers' teaching dominance, it is proposed to conduct targeted education guidance based on the characteristics of college students' thoughts and behaviors.Through three aspects of innovative measures, students can actively guide to establish cultural confidence and correct ideological and moral values.
Keywords—The Internet;Ideological education;innovation