湖北武汉高中 袁肖霞
“放眼世界”已然成为我们当今时代的主题。随着科技与文化的高速发展,英语学习形式变得需要多种多样,更具时效性,更加方便人们获取所需。外刊精读紧扣英语学科的核心素养 “语言能力、思维品质、文化品格和学习能力”四个层面,已逐渐发展为学习英语的首选工具,而且英语考试中,譬如高考、英语四六级、考研等考试,所占的比重很高阅读语篇大部分源自外报、外刊。
Japan says it plans to restart commercial hunts for whales in July of 2019.Japan's Chief Cabinet Secretary, Yoshihide Suga, made the announcement on Wednesday. He also said that his country would withdraw from the International Whaling Commission (IWC国际捕鲸委员会). The international agency, based in Britain, was set up to provide for the protection of whales and the orderly development of the whaling industry.
Suga said that Japan would restart commercial whaling in keeping with Japan's basic policy of promoting sustainable use of sea life based on scientific evidence.
The chief cabinet secretary(内阁官房长官) announced that Japanese whale hunts would be limited to the country's territorial waters and particular economic zone. That area extends 323 kilometers from the coast of the island nation.
Japan's Fisheries Agency said it planned to permit the catch of three kinds of whales: minke(小须鲸) , sei whales and Bryde's whales. It said that numbers of species have recovered enough to permit whaling.
The IWC ordered the ban on commercial whaling over 30 years ago. The move sought to increase the animals' numbers in the world's oceans.
Japan continued whaling for scientific research under the IWC rules. Environmentalists criticized the hunts, saying they were commercial because whale meat was sold in Japan.
The environmental group Greenpeace questioned Japan's position that whale numbers had recovered. Sam Annesley, head of Greenpeace Japan, said the Japanese announcement was, in his words, "out of step with the international community." He called on the country to preserve sea life.
In 2014, Japan cut back on whale hunting after the International Court of Justice ruled against its Antarctic whale hunting program. Japan currently hunts about 600 whales each year in the Antarctic Ocean.(287)
1.What do we know about according to paragraph 1?
A.Japan would quit the IWC.
B.Japan would quit commercial whaling.
C.The IWC was set up to forbid commercial whaling.
D.The IWC was set up to provide for the protection of whales in Japan.
2.Which of the following statements is true?
A.Japan restarts commercial whale hunts in all areas.
B.Japan restarts commercial whale hunts in limited areas.
C.Japan began its first commercial Whale hunts in more than 30 years.
D.The reason for commercial whaling is a growing market for whale meat in Japan.
3.What’s the IWC and environmentalists’ attitude towards Japan’s restarting commercial whaling?
A.approval B.neutral C.indifferent D. disapproval
4.What is the text mainly about?
A.Japan to start commercial whale hunts
B.Japan to restart whale meat markets in 2019
C.Japan to restart commercial whale hunts in 2019
D.Japan to start the controversial whale meat markets.
1.选A 细节理解题。通过第一段的“He also said that his country would withdraw from the International Whaling Commission (IWC).(他还表示,日本将退出国际捕鲸委员会)”,可知选A。通过“Japan would quit the IWC(日本将退出国际捕鲸委员会)”可排除B。通过“The international agency, based in Britain, was set up to provide for the protection of whales and the orderly development of the whaling industry.(这一设立在英国的国际机构是为了保护鲸鱼和推进捕鲸业有序发展)”可知C选项“The IWC was set up to forbid commercial whaling.(国际捕鲸委员会的建立是为了禁止商业捕鲸)”,以及D项“The IWC was set up to provide for the protection of whales in Japan(国际捕鲸委员会的建立是为保护日本的鲸鱼)”两项是错误的。
2.选B 细节理解题。通过第三段的“The chief cabinet secretary announced that Japanese whale hunts would be limited to the country's territorial waters and particular economic zone. (日本内阁官房长官宣布,捕鲸活动将仅限于日本领海和专属经济区)”可知日本是在限定的区域里捕鲸,并非所有的区域,故选B排除A。通过第五段原文“The IWC ordered the ban on commercial whaling over 30 years ago(国际捕鲸委员会30多年前下令禁止商业捕鲸) ”可知C选项属于“张冠李戴“;”D选项属于“无中生有”,故均排除。
3.选D 逻辑推理题。 通过第五段的“The IWC ordered the ban on commercial whaling over 30 years ago(国际捕鲸委员会30多年前下令禁止商业捕鲸)”。第六段的“Environmentalists criticized the hunts(环保人士指责这些捕杀行动)”;第七段的“Sam Annesley, head of Greenpeace Japan, said the Japanese announcement was, in his words,‘out of step with the international community.’He called on the country to preserve sea life(该组织的日本分部负责人山姆·安内斯利表示,日本的声明“与国际社会背道而驰”。他呼吁国家保护海洋生物)”。可知国际捕鲸委员会和环保人士均不赞成日本商业捕鲸,故选 D. disapproval(不赞成的), 而A.approval(赞成的)、 B.neutral(中立的)、 C.indifferent(漠不关心的)均不符合题意。
4.选C 主旨大意题。全文紧扣开头句“Japan says it plans to restart commercial hunts for whales in July of 2019.”来展开话题的,故选C。
1.hunt for 搜寻;寻找
The kids were hunting for shells on the beach.
2.cut back 削减;减少
Since the children were born, this family had to really cut back their spending.
3.rule against 否决
The high court ruled against it, and said he was legal.
4.in keeping with 符合;与...一致;按照
His poor behaviour was not in keeping with the formal occasion.
1)call on__________
2)be limited to__________
3)out of step with__________
4)commercial whaling__________
5)the protection of whales__________
6)the orderly development of__________
7)sustainable use of sea life__________
【参考答案】1).呼吁;号召 2).限于 3).与......背道而驰 4).商业捕鲸(活动) 5).保护鲸鱼 6).有序发展 7).可持续利用海洋生物
3. 写作“五步曲”
1)抱怨 complain(about/that)
2)非法捕猎the illegal hunt
6)意识到 be/become aware of / raise awareness of
7)考虑 consider
8)采取措施take measures / take action
9)阻止现状恶化 prevent it from bad to worse.
10)保护海洋生物the protection of sea life
11)可持续利用海洋生物sustainable use of sea life
2)五年来目睹了(witness)它们的数目在急剧减少(sharply decrease)。
生物”背道而驰(call on,out of step with)
1.The illegal hunt for whales is becoming bad to worse.
2.The past five years has witnessed the sharp decrease of the whales
3.So far, the whales have been the main target of the illegal hunt in the whole world.
4.The balance of nature destroyed,we will suffer a lot
5.If we didn’t stop the illegal hunt in the ocean,we would lose them.
6.We call on the country to preserve sea life,promote sustainable use of sea life,and do not be out of step with the international community---the protection of sea life.
7.We hope that you could consider this matter seriously and take measures to prevent it from bad to worse.
Dear Sir or Madam,
I am writing to complain that the illegal hunt for whales is becoming bad to worse. As a result,the past five years has witnessed the sharp decrease of the whales because it has been the main target of the illegal hunt in the whole world so far.
The balance of nature destroyed,we will suffer a lot.It is a time when we call on the country to preserve sea life,promote sustainable use of sea life,and do not be out of step with the international community---the protection of sea life.If we didn't stop the illegal hunt in the ocean,we would lose them.
We hope that you could consider this matter seriously and take measures to prevent it from bad to worse.
1)《高考英语命题揭秘与专题练析》广东人民教育出版社 蒋小青
2)《如何通过阅读外刊积累英文写作句型?》教育博主 魏剑锋《地道英文写作进阶》作者
3)《核按钮*高中英语单元导学练BX一》青于蓝考试研究院 编
4)《普通高中英语课程标准》(2017年版2020年修订) 人民教育出版社 中华人民共和国教育部制定