On the Methods of English Translation of Chinese Characteristic Vocabulary

发表时间:2021/6/16   来源:《探索科学》2021年5月   作者:孙格格
[导读] In the process of Chinese cultural dissemination, the translation of Chinese characteristic vocabulary has attracted much attention. This article proposes the definition and classification of Chinese

大连外国语大学 孙格格   116044

Abstract: In the process of Chinese cultural dissemination, the translation of Chinese characteristic vocabulary has attracted much attention. This article proposes the definition and classification of Chinese characteristic vocabulary, collects various related books, newspapers and magazines, and lists the existing translation methods of Chinese characteristic vocabulary. It is proposed that using teleology as a guide, different translation strategies can be adopted for vocabulary with Chinese characteristics in foreign propaganda work, in the process of teaching Chinese as a foreign language, and in college English teaching.
Keywords: Chinese characteristic vocabulary; English translation; method; strategy
        I. Introduction
        In the process of Chinese cultural dissemination, the translation of Chinese characteristic vocabulary has attracted much attention. Chinese-characteristic vocabulary is a vocabulary that embodies unique Chinese phenomena and things. The accuracy of Chinese-characteristic vocabulary translation will affect the international society's correct understanding of Chinese politics, economy, and culture. How to translate vocabulary with Chinese characteristics into English is a question that researchers have been discussing.
        2. Definition and Classification of Chinese Characteristic Vocabulary
        (1) Definition of vocabulary with Chinese characteristics
        The proposal of "Chinese English" contributes to the spread of Chinese culture. Ge Chuanchu believes that "Chinese English" is the same as Canadian English and Australian English and should be reasonable, and the related Chinese English expression methods should also exist reasonably. Later, other scholars also defined Chinese English, and the generally recognized definition is Li Wenzhong. He believes that "Chinese English is based on normative English, expressing the unique things in various fields of Chinese society and culture, without being interfered and influenced by the mother tongue. Enter English communication through transliteration, translation, and semantic regeneration. It has vocabulary, sentence structure and text with Chinese characteristics."。

        Chinese English has its characteristics from the phoneme level, vocabulary level, and text level. Ge Chuanchu’s contribution lies in the explanation of Chinese English as follows: First, similar to Canadian English and Australian English, Chinese English is objective and will exist for a long time; secondly, Chinese-specific vocabulary, expressing Chinese-specific things, and using Chinese English ; Thirdly, Chinese English will cause poor communication, which can only be understood through explanation; finally, according to English idioms, including the use of English by Chinese people, it does not contradict the use of Chinese English.
        2.Third, the translation method of Chinese characteristic vocabulary
        (1) Transliteration
        Transliteration is also called "transliteration", which is the translation process in which one type of text symbol (such as Roman letters) is substituted for another type of text symbol (such as Chinese characters). Transliteration of Chinese characteristic vocabulary, one is the use of Weitoma Pinyin, and the other is the use of Chinese Pinyin. Witoma phonetic method has long occupied a major position in transliteration.
        For example: Kong Fuzi Confucius; Qiu Zhengtong Shining-Tung
        Yau; groom mafoo; kowtow
        In August 1982, the International Organization for Standardization decided to adopt the "Hanyu Pinyin Plan" as the international standard for Chinese Roman letter writing. The promotion of Chinese Pinyin has brought great convenience to translators. People and place names in my country have gradually adopted Chinese Pinyin for transliteration. For example: Mandarin
        Putonghua; Erhu erhu; Wushu Wushu; Fengshui fengshui Chinese pinyin transliteration retains the traditional Chinese characteristics, due to Chinese-English
        The two pronunciation systems are different, and it is impossible to have the same pronunciation in transliteration. The use of Chinese pinyin transliteration still fails to reflect the difference in tones.
        (2) Annotation of transliteration
        Transliteration annotations are often used in the translation of Chinese characteristic vocabulary. First, use the Chinese pinyin to convert a word, and then use the method of in-text or extra-text to express the unique cultural connotation of the word, so as to achieve the purpose of cultural information transmission. For example: "Compass", "Bagua".
        The way of transliteration and annotation provides the necessary information for the readers of the translation.
        Cultural background information. In translation, an expression that is self-evident or self-explanatory to the source language readers is not familiar to the target language readers. Therefore, through Chinese pinyin transliteration, on the one hand, the original culture of Chinese characteristic vocabulary is maintained, and the way of adding annotations provides rich explanations for target language readers, which is conducive to the realization of cross-cultural communication. "Bagua" is transliterated here as "bagua" and explained in English. In fact, in different contexts, "gossip" has other meanings, like a gossip or someone who spreads gossip. Then you can use "gossip" to translate in English.
        There are five translation methods: commonly used transliteration, transliteration and annotation, literal translation, literal translation and annotation, and free         translation of Chinese characteristic vocabulary. Through the collection of multiple translations of one word, the differences and characteristics of different translations are compared, and different translation strategies should be used flexibly in combination with different situations in actual translation.
        The proposal of skopos theory has provided great theoretical support to translators, and translation is no longer constrained to a certain method. Translation is flexible. Under the guidance of skopos theory, translators can use different translation methods for vocabulary with Chinese characteristics according to different purposes and under different circumstances, such as in publicity work, teaching Chinese as a foreign language, and teaching college English. , Different strategies can be adopted for the translation of Chinese characteristic vocabulary.

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