Analysis on the Translation Methods of Business Terms in Economics and Trade

发表时间:2021/6/16   来源:《探索科学》2021年5月   作者:孙格格
[导读] As the universal language of the world, English plays an important role in the economic and trade communication of various countries. Studying its vocabulary characteristics and translation strategies

大连外国语大学 孙格格   116044

Abstract: As the universal language of the world, English plays an important role in the economic and trade communication of various countries. Studying its vocabulary characteristics and translation strategies can not only provide support for my country's participation in international economic and trade, but also benefit the cultural exchanges of various countries. In the context of economic and cultural globalization, the characteristics of business English vocabulary and translation studies have also become hotspots. Relevant translators must start with the characteristics of economic and trade English vocabulary and give full play to the characteristics and functions of economic and trade English vocabulary to be able to fully contribute to the development of my country's international economy and trade, and to promote further innovation in the field of translation in my country. Business English vocabulary has its own characteristics. Only by studying its translation strategies from these characteristics can the accuracy and scientificity of translation be guaranteed.
Keywords: Business English; vocabulary; translation
       1 Analysis of the characteristics of economic and trade English vocabulary
        Business English is a special purpose English, so its vocabulary has a certain degree of peculiarities. Studying its vocabulary characteristics is helpful for translators to better choose translation strategies. The following is a specific analysis of its vocabulary characteristics
        In the process of international trade cooperation, the trading parties come from different countries and regions, and there are large differences in language and culture. This causes some errors in the process of trade cooperation, which will affect the trade to a certain extent. Correspondence may even affect cooperation matters. Therefore, in the process of communication between the trading parties, on the one hand, they need to have advertising style, on the other hand, they also need to have the written language of trade English vocabulary, and they have high requirements for trade English vocabulary, which must be formal, accurate and rigorous. Therefore, when both trading parties choose trade English vocabulary, they usually choose single-meaning vocabulary, so as to avoid ambiguity and affect the cooperative relationship between the two parties. For example, the two parties in the trade will not use tax in their letters, but choose tariff, because tax is a common English term and is not formal; the same is true for buy, and choose purcase instead to ensure that the use of economic and trade English vocabulary is formal, accurate and rigorous. 
        2 Translation Analysis of Economic and Trade English Vocabulary
        2.1 Distinguish the basic meaning and professional meaning of words
        When translating business English, you should first identify the professional meaning of the vocabulary. Because the basic meaning and professional meaning of a vocabulary may vary greatly, you cannot interpret the business English based on the meaning of common words, nor can you directly query the dictionary, copy and copy it. language. In addition, pay attention to the polysemous phenomenon of economic and trade English. The word cover in the article needs to be combined in translation. It has different meanings in different phrases. In the word cover the loss, it is translated to make up for the loss. In the word cover all In principle risks, it is translated to include all basic risks. In the word cover the amount of our claim, it is translated to pay us to understand the meaning of the sentence and ensure the accuracy of the translation. 
        2.2 The choice of words should strive to maintain the original style
        Business English vocabulary has the characteristics of accurate and rigorous wording and uses more ancient words, so translators should use some ancient Chinese vocabulary when translating to fully translate this quaint artistic conception to maximize the restoration of the original style without word for word The translation combines the characteristics of business English vocabulary and sentence and uses vocabulary to make up for it in other places 
        2.4 Flexible use of translation methods
        When translating, translators encounter some economic and trade English long sentences. If the sentence expresses a series of actions or logical relations, this description is the same as that of Chinese, and the translation can be carried out in the logical order of the original English. Under normal circumstances, the object clauses, appositions and coordinate sentences in business English can all be translated using sequential translation. The sequential translation method is to use the logical expression of Chinese to translate all the meanings of the original business English. It does not only translate the superficial meaning of words, words, and sentences. The translator can combine the expression content of the original business English and appropriately translate the original content. If you use a colon to juxtapose the original sentence, the Chinese sentence becomes shorter, the content of the expression is clearer, and it is more in line with Chinese expression habits.
        3 Conclusion
        By analyzing the characteristics of business English vocabulary, it can be seen that business English is a special purpose English. Its vocabulary has the characteristics of simplicity, objectivity, rigor, and accuracy. When choosing a relevant translation strategy, it needs to be combined with the characteristics of the words, so that it can maximize Give full play to the role of translation to better promote international economic and trade exchanges and cooperation. In addition, when translating business English, translators must first ensure that their professional knowledge is sufficient, and they must also ensure that the use of vocabulary is consistent with the style of the article. They can combine the characteristics of English and Chinese language expressions and switch parts of speech flexibly to ensure accurate and rigorous translation of the article. .

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