Scaffolding Instruction Theory inJunior Middle School English Grammar Teaching支架式教学理论在初中英语语法中的运用

发表时间:2021/6/18   来源:《时代教育》2021年第6期   作者:胡连
[导读] 在新课改的环境下,支架式教学理论被教师们广泛的用于中小学英语教学中。
        四川省长宁县农胜初级中学校 四川省 长宁县644300

        I. Scaffolding Instruction Theory
A.Theory of ZPD
        In the theory of Vygotsky, he holds the idea of that the children’s developing zoon has two different levels: the actual development level and the potential development level. The first mentioned of two indicates that children have the ability of finishing his job task independently. While the other is said to be the individual can complete his job with others help. The area between the two is called ZPD. Vygotsky considers that this is “A period between young children alone to solve the problem, which shows the actual development level and through adult guidance or  has the ability to partner cooperation to tackle the problem shows the distance between the degree of potential development”. This theory indicates that education can’t be the tool just to keep the developed level that students already have, but on the basis of the actual development level of students.
B. Constructivism theory
         The constructivism theory is the theory of how to obtain knowledge and experience. It has a lot of branches , which many affect the constructivism theory are the social constructivism theory of Vygotsky and the cognitive constructivism theory of Piaget.
1.Social constructivism theory
        Social constructivism theory is also called social culture development theory. The theory is that the development of one’s psychological is completed within human’s cooperation activity and communication. Vygotsky points out this development process, and he also keep the idea that all advanced psychological function has two times on the stage of children: the first one is about group activity or social activity, what means the enginery of psychological. The second one is personal activity, what means the inner enginery of psychological.
        This theory indicates that human’s acknowledge react social work. The development of children’s psychological is to meet with this society. Only in the process of communication can children’s mentality grow, develop and mature. Children participate in the activity of teacher-students or students-students means they take part in this social activity or group activity, and when they are enjoying this activity, their way of thinking and the ideas of how to solve problems will be influence.
        II. The Characteristics of Scaffolding Instruction Theory
A.Instruction is kept in the ZPD
          The theory base of scaffolding instruction demands that the whole instruction must be kept in the zone of proximal development (ZPD). As the practice turns out, the instruction which is based on and kept on the zone of proximal development not only can practice and strengthen the formed inner psychological function but also motivate and shape the present inexistence psychological function, in order to create new psychological formation and promote progress.
B.Student-centered Teaching
          “student-centered” not only requires we teach students on the basis of their physiology maturity, but also emphasis on the knowledge and experiences that students already have. Constructivism tends to believe that students would not come into the classroom with their empty head. They have a lot of original cognitive and pre-concept. All of this is their foundation to construct knowledge and form a new concept. It is also the premise to develop.
        IV. Scaffolding Instruction Theory Operating Procedures
        To design our teaching method, teachers need to know what students want to learn, and construct scaffolding to help student’s learning and development. The question is how to construct scaffolding in the design of teaching for student’s learning and development.
A.The use of multimedia teaching means to construct scaffolding
          Because the multimedia teaching method has the feature of setting text, sound and image as a whole, so the use of multimedia can provide teaching and learning of grammar rules of language use and communication of specific situational context. And it also can make dull, static grammar knowledge into interesting, three-dimensional and dynamic scenes of life. In grammar teaching, it is difficult for some student perception and master grammar knowledge, such as an adverbial clause of subjunctive mood in the virtual condition of said in the past, present and future of the use of the hypothetical situation.
B.The use of cooperative learning to construct scaffolding
          Guskey T.R (The famous contemporary American educator ) describe cooperation learning as follows: essentially speaking, cooperation learning is a form of teaching. It requires students to study together and finish the task that teacher arranged in the group of 2-6 person. In each group, students usually work on the job that needs to cooperate with others.
1.Construct Scaffolding in the Classroom
           We can try to construct scaffolding through design task based on the proposition learning theory of constructivism in the problem situation, let the students in the real context and construct knowledge through participation and get to use it more efficiently.
           Different type of teaching should notice the way of setting scene. Strengthen their interest of learning, train their ability of the practical application, develop the habit of thinking in English, gradually improve the skill of communication. Through the deep analysis of this case, we can easily draw the conclusion that the introduction of scaffolding instruction not only won’t weaken “student-centered classroom”, on the contrary it plays a bigger role in promoting cooperative learning.
2.Construct Scaffolding out of class
           Students through extracurricular learning, get the ability of self-learning content processing, it helps them to promote the capacity of learning the learning content deeper and broader when they are study in the class. So, it is essential to construct scaffolding extracurricular. There are some scaffolding platforms that we can construct out of class. If it comes to the subjunctive mood, we can divide the subjunctive mood into several types, such as: be, should etc. students need to look up some data and organize these information with their partners.
        V. Scaffolding Instruction Theory in the Classroom Obstacles
         From theoretical basis to the operating procedures the scaffolding instruction model are very strict, but on the contrary, it will inevitable encounter many obstacles when it comes in practice in the classroom teaching.
A. Multiplicity of zone of proximal development
        Scaffolding instruction teaching always acquire it stays within the zone of proximal development (ZPD) of the students. However, cause there are so many students when teacher teach, it occurs that the zone of proximal development is so multiplicity. As what we are mentioned earlier, ZPD is not a point but a range for each child, and the size of the interval is not the same.
        The Different Experiences Students Have
          Scaffolding instruction requirements must be based on students' existing knowledge and experience to construct scaffolding. But when students come from different families, have different background of life, have different original cognition and pre-concept, all of those reasons may affect the angle, the way, the depth even the properties of building things.
C. Formal interaction is difficult to overcome
          A major feature of scaffolding instruction teaching is interaction, it can be said that without interaction could not be scaffolding instruction. In order to facilitate the interaction, group discussion is always used in class. But when it comes to class teaching, the interaction of class are generally shorter with the limited time of each class. And because the number of students, teachers don’t have enough time and attention listen to the discussion of each group, let alone to give effective tips or respond to the idea of students, thus make interactive become a mere formality.
        VI. Conclusion
         View of these obstacles determines the direction to the scaffolding instruction qualitative: some researchers think these barriers insurmountable, adhere to the scaffolding instruction is only for the individual teaching and difficult to use off in the form of class teaching; Some researchers think that can adopt measures to reduce the impact of these obstacles, it certainly scaffolding instruction has extensive adaptability and can be used in many everyday classroom teaching activities;
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