北京市密云区医院 ,101500
摘要:目的 探讨血清维生素A、25-羟维生素D水平对孕妇阴道微生态起到的作用。方法 选取2019年9月-2020.9月门诊进行产检的孕妇350名,其中正常对照组46例,细菌性阴道病组144例,霉菌性阴道炎128例,滴虫阴道炎32例,进行阴道微生态及血清维生素A和25-(OH)D检测,对其相关性进行分析。结果 25-羟维生素D在正常对照组、BV组、VVC组及TV组分别为22.23±5.44 ng/ml、18.06±6.65 ng/ml、21.58±6.87 ng/ml、18.99±4.92 ng/ml,其中BV组与正常对照组比较,差异具有统计学意义(P<0.05),VVC组及TV组分别与正常对照组比较,差异无统计学意义。维生素A在正常对照组、BV组、VVC组及TV组分别为0.47±0.11 mg/l、0.46±0.09 mg/l、0.45±0.09 mg/l、0.38±0.07 mg/l,其中TV组与正常对照组比较,差异具有统计学意义(P<0.05),BV组及VVC组分别与正常对照组比较,差异无统计学意义。结论 妊娠期细菌性阴道病的发生与25-羟维生素D缺乏密切相关,妊娠期滴虫阴道炎的发生与维生素A的缺乏密切相关。
The Relationship between the Vaginal Microflora Disorder and Vitamin A and D Levels in Pregnant Women
Abstract:Objective To investigate the effects of serum vitamin A and 25-(OH)D levels on vaginal microecology of pregnant women.Methods Selection in September 2019-2020.9 months for prenatal outpatient service 350 pregnant women, including 46 cases of normal control group, bacterial vaginal disease group 144 cases, 128 cases of vulvovaginal candidiasis , trichomonas vaginitis in 32 cases, vaginal microecological and serum vitamin A and 25-(OH)D detection, and to analyze its relevance.Results 25-(OH)D was 22.23±5.44 ng/ml in normal control group, 18.06±6.65ng/ml in BV group, VVC group and TV group,respectively, 21.58±6.87 ng/ml, 18.99±4.92 ng/ml, the difference between the BV group and the normal control group was statistically significant (P<0.05), the difference between the VVC group and the TV group and the normal control group was not statistically significant.Vitamin A in normal control group, BV group, VVC group and TV group were 0.47±0.11mg/ L, respectively,0.46±0.09 mg/ L, 0.45±0.09 mg/ L, 0.38±0.07 mg/ L, the difference between the TV group and the normal control group was statistically significant (P<0.05), while the difference between the BV group and the VVC group and the normal control group was not statistically significant.Conclusion The occurrence of bacterial vaginosis during pregnancy is closely related to the deficiency of 25-(OH) D, and the occurrence of trichomonad vaginitis during pregnancy is closely related to the deficiency of vitamin A.
Key words:Bacterial vaginal ; Vulvovaginal candidiasis ;Trichomonas vaginitis; Vitamin A and D
女性阴道微生物菌群紊乱,会增加机会性病原体感染的风险,导致阴道感染或阴道病[1]。Akoh et al.等人研究表明,孕期维生素D的缺乏与细菌性阴道病、霉菌性阴道炎等密切相关[2]。有报道称富含营养物质如维生素A、D等的饮食与阴道环境健康呈正相关,可有效降低阴道疾病的发生[3]。适当的补充维生素A、D可以有效的保护阴道微环境,从而预防妊娠期胎儿的不良生长发育及免疫成熟等,达到孕妇优生优育的目的。为此,笔者选取门诊进行产检的350名孕妇进行阴道微生态及维生素A、25-(OH)D维生素检测并分析。
1 资料与方法
1.2 方法:所有研究对象均是北京市密云区医院门诊就诊的孕妇。符合入选标准:①单胎妊娠②自然受孕③孕妇既往健康,不合并内外科基础疾病④30天内阴道局部或全身未使用抗菌药或抗真菌药物。
1.2.1 维生素A及25-(OH)D含量 所有入选孕妇产检时空腹抽取外周静脉血4ml,离心后分离血清备用,标本采用高效液相色谱法测定。
1.2.2阴道微生态检测 所有入选孕妇产检时取阴道分泌物,在显微镜下直接镜检阴道分泌物清洁度,观察有无滴虫、真菌、线索细胞。
2 结果
2.1各组25-(OH)D水平与正常对照组比较 霉菌性阴道炎组及滴虫阴道炎组分别与正常对照组比较,差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。细菌性阴道病组与正常对照组比较差异具有统计学意义(P<0.05)。
3 讨论
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