The Application of PPP Teaching Method in Middle School

发表时间:2021/7/28   来源:《中国教师》2021年3月9期   作者:赵慧豆
[导读] With the development of education,new teaching

        内蒙古乌兰察布市商都县第一中学   内蒙古  乌兰察布  013450
        1. Introduction
        With the development of education,new teaching methods and strategies are increasingly being explored.At present,in the background of multimedia teaching,PPP teaching method emerge. PPP teaching method refer to Presentation Practice Production,which has many advantages, such as it can fully reflect the ultimate goal of teaching and it is the best way to solve some Chinese teaching problems.
2.A brief introduction to PPP teaching method
        Presentation, Practice and Production is the three teaching process of PPP. PPP teaching method can be used in foreign language teaching and enhance the students’ language ability. PPP teaching method,that is:(Presentation)display language materials, (Practice) practice for language, (Production) language ability.
        The Presentation Phase
        In this step,the teacher introduces students to explain the new content and the content may be the syntax,functions of language.
        The Practice Phase
        In the practice,teachers should be timely control the students’ problems of speaking and writing.That is the purpose for students to use the sentence structure.
        The Production Phase
        At this stage, students do exercise may be in their participation in extracurricular English activities.For example,write letters,read newspapers.
3. The goal of the PPP teaching method
        The goal of the PPP teaching method is to enable the learners to construct language ability.In the current China,learning a foreign language seems to have become a kind of fashion and a kind of movement from primary school to university.Although students have learned many years of foreign language,they have not yet built up their second language skills.
4. Teachers make better use of PPP teaching method in English class
4.1 application of PPP teaching method in oral English class in junior middle school
    Oral English is different from the listening, reading, writing and other courses,it has its own characteristics.Oral English class should set the scene and more Pair work&Group work dialogue.So the arrangement of oral English teaching must seize the characteristics of the subject itself and elaborate design activities at different stages to achieve the best results.
4.2 application of PPP teaching method in listening class in junior middle school
  At this stage, the target should be placed on the accuracy.Students are aware of the existence of language and they have a new understanding of the language to establish the preliminary impression through the stage of learning by using project.
4.3 application of PPP teaching method in reading English class in junior middle school
        you need to determine what it is that you want them to produce.One obvious source for such an exercise is English language textbooks,which it can provide other stages of the lesson and plenty of extra materials for you.
5. Conclusion
        PPP teaching method change the traditional teaching mode “Teacher centered” to “Student-centered”and teachers and students interact with each other.It pays attention to the cooperation and interaction between teachers and students in order to improve students’ involvement in teaching.Teaching goal is to train students with creative ability and communicative competence in English.
        PPP teaching method is a good one for Chinese students,but we still need to find more perfect teaching method in practice,more suitable for Chinese students.
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