深圳市新安中学(集团)高中部 518101
摘要:拼图阅读(Jigsaw Reading)作为一种以合作学习为基础的教学模式,因其自身独特的优势也越来越收到学者和教师的关注。以拼图阅读理念为基础的英语阅读课,能够促进学生语言知识和交际能力的发展。
关键词:学习共同体 合作学习 Jigsaw Reading 语言能力 交际能力
合作学习(Cooperative Learning)的教学方法自20世纪70年代出现之后,这一理念在一系列学者的推动下,在世界范围获得了广泛的关注。作为一种新的教学组织形式,合作学习也在中国的课堂中落地生根,得到了快速的发展和应用。合作学习融合学生个体能力差异,个性特点和兴趣爱好等因素把学生分成若干异质小组,小组成员相互协作,相互指导,在交流中共同学习,促进每一个成员的学业进步,形成良好的师生、生生关系,同时也让学生通过合作交流的体验获取心理、社交和认知的发展。
拼图阅读(Jigsaw Reading)作为一种以合作学习为基础的教学模式,因其自身独特的优势也越来越收到学者和教师的关注。它让学生通过小组活动理解语篇逻辑关系,把握语篇的发展脉络,抓住语篇的细节,在理解语篇的基础上感悟语篇的人文价值。在小组活动中个,每个学生都有自己的责任,充当不可或缺的角色,充分调动每一个学生参与阅读学习过程,从而提高学生的主观能动性,共同探讨问题,解决问题。
一、Jigsaw Reading教学框架
这种教学模式需要二次分组,对教学活动设计和教师的监控能力要求较高,如操作不当,就达不到预期的学习效果。但是,Jigsaw Reading教学框架在经过熟悉的操练和精心的准备下,可以节省大量的时间,学生之间和师生之间的互动更加广泛,有利于调动学生的内驱力,培养学生的语言交际能力和创造性思维。
二、Jigsaw Reading教学实践
本教学实践的选材于外研版必修5 Module 4 Carnival阅读部分The magic of the mask。本篇是说明文,主题语境为人与社会,主要介绍欧洲威尼斯狂欢节发展历史以及世界其他地区狂欢节的特点。在狂欢节发展过程中,面具发挥着重要作用。语篇通过面具这一主线引导学生对不同民族文化习俗和传统节日有了更深的了解,引领学生语言能力和文化意识的发展。文章结构清晰,适合进行拼图阅读教学实践。
在Jigsaw Reading教学框架下,学生是阅读课堂的主体,也是教学设计的出发点。本教学设计以深圳市某学校高二年级文科班的学生为教学对象,该班学生英语基础较好,听说读写能力比较均衡。
三、Jigsaw Reading教学设计
Step 1 Lead in
Show them some pictures about carnival and masks and ask students to share what they have known about carnival and what festivals people are celebrating when they wear masks.
Step 2 Reading
Task 1 Listening
1. Ask the students to Listen to the paragraph 1&2, and fill the blanks with the correct answers.
1).Whenever you think of carnival, you may think of _______, ________ and ________.
2).The word “carnival” comes from ____________, meaning _____________.
3). In Europe, people saw carnival as a chance to _______, which means ______, _______ and _________.
Suggested answers: 1) crowds, costumes, confusion; 2) two Latin words, no more meat; 3) have fun, eating, drinking, dressing up.
2. Ask students to summarize what para1&2 talk about according what they have got from para1&2.
Para1&2 talk about __________ and ___________ of carnival.
Suggested answers: impression, origin
Task 2 Self-perception of the passage
Individual work: Divide the students into 11 JIGSAW groups, four students (A, B, C, D) a group. Student A in each group reads paragraph3, Student B reads para4, Student C reads paragraph5 and Student D reads paragraph 6.
Ask the students to read the paragraph each gets, and find out the main idea and as much information as they can.
Task 3 Cooperative reading
Group work: Divide the students into four EXPERT groups, Student A a group, B a group , C a group and D a group.
Ask the students to check the main idea with other group members and try to fully understand the paragraph they are reading through cooperation and asking questions.
When _____________________________________________?
How ______________________________________________?
Why ______________________________________________?
What ______________________________________________?
Where _____________________________________________?
Task 4 Interactive reading
Group work: The students go back to the original 11 JIGSAW groups, four students a group. Each member of the group takes turns to tell other group members what they have read and ask them questions to make sure they have fully understand whole passage.
Task 5 Presentation
1.Ask four students to come to the platform to share the main ideas of the four paragraphs and ask the whole students three questions to check whether they have mastered the whole content of the passage.
2.Summarize the logical structure of the passage.
Step 3 Discussion
Ask the students to show their opinions of the trend that western festivals are becoming increasingly popular day by day, while Chinese traditional festivals are being somewhat neglected.
Nowadays, western festivals are becoming increasingly popular day by day, while Chinese traditional festivals are being somewhat neglected. Some people think it is unnecessary to worry about it, while others showed great concern about it. What's your opinion?
Step 4 Homework
According to their own opinions, write a composition of the trend.
[1]Coelho, E. 1992. Jigsaw: Integrating language and content. In C. Kessler 129-152
[2]化聪超. (2007). 拼图阅读策略在英语教学中的运用. 东北大学学报(社会科学版), 9(004), 363-367.
单位:深圳市新安中学(集团)高中部 邮编:518101