基于英语教材的读写教学可行性探究——以人教版英语选修六unit5 The Lake of Heaven 为例

发表时间:2021/8/3   来源:《教学与研究》2021年10期   作者:陈丽欣
[导读] 读后续写作为英语高考的作文考察形式之一,在英语教学中占据重要位置



        (一)Step1 lead in

T: Do you love traveling? Can you share one of your travel experiences with us?
Supposed answers:
S1: I went to Beijing with my friends last summer vacation. It was really fantastic and we had a good time...
S2: I went to Shanghai with my parents and visited a famous museum...
T: Thanks for your wonderful sharing. Today, we will visit a very beautiful place. Please turn to page 39. Please skim the text and sum up the main ideas of each paragraph.
        (二)Step2 Reading
        Task1 Skimming
        Go through the passage quickly and sum up the main idea of each paragraph
Supposed answers:
        Para 1: General introduction to Chang baishan;
        Para 2: General introduction to Tianchi;
        Para 3: A story told about Tianchi;
        Para 4: Make a wish when visiting Tianchi;
Task 2 Detailed reading
        Para 1 What can visitors do in the mountain?
        Supposed answers: 1. Study its unique animals and plants;
        2. Walk in the mountains;
        3. See the spectacular waterfalls;
        4. Bathe in the hot water pools;
        Para 2 Where has Tianchi formed? What can you see on the top of the mountain?
        Supposed answers: 1. In the crater of a dead volcano;
2.The sight of its clear waters and the view of the other sixteen peeks;
        Para 3 Retell the story according to the pictures
        Supposed answer: A bird threw a fruit onto the youngest girl of the three, who got pregnant after trying to smell it and later gave birth to a handsome boy. The boy was said to be the ancestor of Manchu people.
        (三)Step 3: Continuation writing
        Task 3 writing
        T: Have you ever heard of any other myths of Tianchi ?
Supposed answers: 1. Ss: No.
        T: It doesn’t matter. Let’s tell a story of Tianchi.
        2. Ss: Yes.
        T: What is it about?
        Ss: …
        T: Thanks for your sharing. What about us telling another story of Tianchi?
        T: According to the given sentences and underlined words in previous paragraphs,What do you think he would do since he was angry? Why was Nvwa worried about people?
        Supposed answers: 1. He would do something to produce volcanic eruption which did harm to human beings, thus Nvwa was worried;
        2.He was so angry that he fired at people, which made Nvwa worried;
        3.He fired at heaven, resulting in volcanic eruption. Nvwa was so worried about her home...

        T:You did a good job. Now please write down your story and then we will share our stories.
        (四)Step 4 Feedbacks
        T: Time is up, who would like to share your story with us? Please read out your story.
        S1——Hu Qiyue

        Feedbacks: The plots of story is not only reasonable but also smooth. But here are some language mistakes. Firstly, it’s better to use “release” in this way: ...to release all his pent-up emotions(line 3). In addition, sentence on the fourth and fifth line can be modified as “He didin’t know what his actions would bring to the world.” And sentence on the fifth and sixth line can be modified as“There was no doubt that a catastrophy would occur”.
        S2——Zheng Qiaofei

        Feedbacks: The story is imaginative, novel and interesting. But some spelling mistakes and grammar mistakes have to be corrected. Revised version goes as the following: The fire god was defeated and became so angry that he turned into a volcano . When people or animals approached, lava fountained from the crater of him. Millions of animals like cranes were hurt because of his eruption. Nvwa was so worried about people that she used her supernatural power to stop the catastrophy. Finally, on the top of the mountain appeared a lake called the lake of heaven. The world was peaceful thareafter.
        S3——Lou Shijia

        Feedbacks: The story is funny but the ending echoed. Besides, it’s better to cut off some details and characters like the boy.
        T: Your stories are logical and imaginative and you really did a good job. Here is a possible version for your reference.
        A possible version:
        Another myth of Tianchi was about the war between the fire god and the rain god.The fire god was defeated and became so angry that he headed heaven regardless of consequences. All of a sudden, some huge rocks burst from the sky, hitting the world.Then enormous water columns came down in torrents and a volcano erupted, which caused total chaos in the world. People lived in extreme misery.
        Nvwa was so worried about people that she smelted the rocks in the lava day and night, praying for the people. Several days later, the hole of heaven was mended. Gradually,in the crater of the volcano appeared a clean and deep lake, around which lived a variety of animals like cranes, monkeys and so on.People lived a happy life thereafter.

        Revise your first draft

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