In this paper, a power-efficient resource allocation problem is addressed in virtualized wireless networks (VWNs) using non-orthogonal multiple access (NOMA). In this set-up, the resources of one base station (BS) are shared among different service providers (slices), where the minimum reserved rate is considered for each slice for guaranteeing their isolation. The formulated resource allocation problem aiming to minimize the total transmit power subject to the isolation constraints is non-convex and suffers from high computational complexity. By applying complementary geometric programming (CGP) to convert the non-convex problem into the convex form, we develop an efficient iterative approach with low computational complexity to solve the proposed problem. Illustrative simulation results on the performance evaluation of VWN using OFDMA and NOMA indicate significant performance improvement in the VWN when NOMA is used. It also gives us a brand new concept about the construction of the future datalink base station.
Index term- Complementary geometric programming, NOMA, 5G, next generation wireless network, resource allocation, virtualized wireless networks.
假设一个单基站下行传输的系统,其中有一个分组子网的集合 ,每一个子网s( )有 个用户。整个系统总用户数 。为保障每个子网的独立性,
VWN中对于每一个子网s有要求的子网最低传输速率要求记为 。本文VWN中有两种传输模式:
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