关键词:桥梁工程; 装配式T梁; 静动载试验; 结构校验系数; 横向分布系数
中图分类号: U446.1 文献标识码:A 文章编号:
Static and Dynamic Load Test and Evaluation Method of a Fabricated Simply Supported T-beam Bridge
SHI Junwei1, XU Zhouyuan2, WANG Zhihao2
(1.ZhengzhouEngineeringCo., LTD of CHINA Railway Seventh Group, Zhengzhou 450052, China;2.North China University of Water Resources and Electric Power, Zhengzhou 450046, China)
Abstract: In order to improve the inspection and evaluation method of the fabricated T-beam bridge, the static load test of a single T beam, the static and dynamic load test of a simply supported T-beam bridge as well as the finite element analysis of the T beam and the T-beam bridge were carried out. The strain and deflection of the main control sections of the single beam and the whole bridge were obtained by static load test, and the natural frequency and vibration mode of the bridge were identified through environmental vibration, which were then compared with theoretical values obtained by the finite element analysis. The damping ratio of the bridge was derived by fitting the data of the damped free vibration curve. Results show that experimental strain and deflection of the control section is less than the theoretical value. Under the same load efficiency ratio, the structural verification coefficient of the whole bridge (finished stage) is less than that of the single beam. Transverse connection performance is evaluated preferably by considering simultaneously transverse distribution coefficient and vertical vibration mode. Compared with half-power bandwidth method based on ambient vibration test, the damped free vibration method based on vehicle jumping test can identify damping ratio accurately.
Keywords: bridge engineering; fabricated T-beam; static and dynamic load test; structural verification coefficient; transverse distribution coefficient